2022 call for Teatre Lliure / MA Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities / Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona Research Group Awards to Best BA and MA dissertations on contemporary theatre studies

These Awards are part of a larger alliance between Barcelona’s Teatre Lliure and the University of Barcelona’s MA Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities and Contemporary British Theatre Barcelona Research Group.

The call for submissions and the terms and conditions of the awards are available at: https://www.ub.edu/portal/web/filologia-comunicacio/detall-novetats/-/detall/segona-edicio-dels-premis-ub-teatre-lliure-al-millor-tfg-i-tfm-d-estudis-de-teatre-contemporani

The award ceremony was held at Teatre Lliure on 24 November 2022 and the winners were:

  • Best BA dissertation: Nil Martín López, “Un altre ara, un altre aquí: Presencialitats especulatives en les arts vives” (supervisor: Bani Brusadin).
  • Best MA dissertation: Oriol López Esteve, “Flexionar la diferència sexual amb els cossos: Escriptura i cos textual en la dansa” (supervisor: Marta Segarra).