This book offers a discussion of the origins of Latin American dependency theories and their implications for contemporary social theory. The book explores the conditions of emergence of this intellectual movement, the trajectories of some of its main formulators, as well as the circulation of their ideas, their reception in other contexts, and their influence on other…
The climate crisis is humanmade. Its main cause is the burning of fossil fuels. To combat climate change, we have to understand how we arrived at where we are. Carbon Societies explores the reasons why human societies have embarked on the trajectory of ever-increasing use of fossil fuels.
To sustain a growing…
This edited collection carries out…
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Media brings together audiovisual translation and news translation and seeks to create new synergies between the two areas. Structured in four parts with an editor introduction, the 33 chapters are written by leading international experts and provide a critical survey of each area with suggestions for further reading. With a focus on theoretical and…
Collective action in our current global situation is often associated with growing intolerance, xenophobia and exclusion, or it is regarded as incapable of making a real and positive difference in the lives of individuals. This book acknowledges the severe problems with effective and significant collective action, but it arrives at a more optimistic diagnosis of our time by rethinking the…
Este libro, editado por Arturo Rodriguez Morató y Álvaro Santana Acuña, nos presenta a una nueva generación de sociólogos y sociólogas hispanohablantes que impulsan una profunda renovación de la sociología de las artes, lejos de los parámetros en los que el estudio sociológico del arte se situaba hace medio siglo. La sociología de las artes ha evolucionado fuerte-mente, sobre todo en el área…
¿Cual es la situación de fondo de la cultura contemporánea? ¿Que lugar ocupa y que papel despempeña la cultura en la sociedad de nuestros días? ¿Es hoy más importante que antes o se ha vuelto, por el contrario, más trivial? ¿Cuáles pueden ser los horizontes deseables? ¿En qué debería consistir la acción cultural en la actualidad?
Alomar Payeras, Jordi
Andrade Suárez, María
Batalla, Oriol
Batista Rodríguez, Arianni
Bielsa Mialet, Esperanza
Böröcz, József
Branco, Sophia
Bretones Esteban, María Trinidad
Clot-Garrell, Anna
Cussel, Mattea
Damiano, Vanessa
del Val, Fernán
Guirao Soro, Glòria
Havas, Ádám Kornél
Jara Villarroel, Natalia
Maia, Felipe
Martín Zamorano, Mariano
Mendonça, Luciana F. M.
Mota, Aurea
Nogales Muriel, Rocío
Novo Rey, Uxío
Peralta, Ariadna
Quemin, Alain
Rodríguez Morató, Arturo
Salimi, Maryam
Sánchez Belando, Victoria
Santana Acuña, Álvaro
Sirois, Guillaume
Wagner, Peter
Zarlenga, Matías I.