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(De)colonial Representations of the Lesbian in Contemporary Hispano-Caribbean Cinema

Thursday November 22, 2018 from 16h to 17h30

Consuelo Martínez-Reyes, lecturer at the Macquarie University, will give the seminar "Representaciones (de)coloniales de la lesbiana en el cine del Caribe hispano contemporáneo". This seminar explores the representation of lesbian women in the Hispano-Caribbean cinema, paying close attention to movies such as Dólares de arena (2014), Extra Terrestres (2016) and Juan de los Muertos (2011). It also reflects on the role of lesbic characters within a global capitalist context, which characterizes them both as tools and products. Open attendance.
Aula 1.6, Edifici Josep Carner, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona
c/ Aribau 2, 1r pis – 08007 Barcelona