Publicado originalmente en: Urban Studies, v. 29-6, pp. 949-964.
Summary. Changes in economic and production activities have
affected Barcelona. Three important processes can be identified: the process
of industrial restructuring since the 1960s; innovation and technological
change in the productive process; and the integration of the Spanish economy
within the European Community. A societal response matrix, comprising agents
at all spatial scales, applied to the metropolitan area of Barcelona is
proposed in order to analyse the role of agents, policies and strategies
in the process of economic and urban revitalisation. In Barcelona's case,
it is evident that at present the public sphere is dominant in that its
actions encourage other agents, whilst the private sector appears to be
led by public initiatives. At the local scale the Barcelona city council
shows a clear dynamic both in long-range actions, e.g. the Olympic Games,
and as an agent dynamising important public projects and promoting the
participation of other economic agents, both public and private, at all
scales: the Strategic Plan, a Technical Park, the cities lobby, etc.