SciE-Lex is a lexical database of the most usual collocations of English non-technical words used in scientific language. This lexical database gives information about the meanings and the grammatical and collocational patterns of general words used in scientific English.
SciE-Lex was prompted by the shortage of reference tools offering such information, since dictionaries of scientific terms usually provide information about the meaning of specialized words and/or their equivalents in other languages.
What is SciE-Lex for?
When encoding a message it is necessary not only to use the correct terms and grammatical structures but also the appropriate lexical combinations and collocations, especially in scientific discourse in which a precise expression of ideas and description of results is required.
As the importance of phraseological choices is recognized, we believe the results of SciE-Lex will allow non-native speakers to improve their knowledge of the collocational patterns of English and allow them to communicate more effectively.
Who is SciE-Lex for?
It has been designed to help Spanish scientists to use the correct grammatical patterns of non-technical words and to conform to the conventional collocations used in scientific discourse. Although our database is escpecially developed for Spanish speakers it can also be adapted to other languages.
Scie-Lex First Stage:
While in its first stage, SciE-Lex provides contextual information on usage as well as the combinatorial potential of words commonly used in scientific registers, in a second stage, and in line with new trends in corpus and phraseological studies, SciE-Lex is supplemented with formulaic expressions and provides explicit information about their variability, composition, function and textual distribution.
Research Team
Isabel Verdaguer (Coordinator). Universitat deBarcelona
Anna Poch (Universitat de Barcelona)
Joseph Hilferty (Universitat de Barcelona)
Natalia Judith Laso (Universitat de Barcelona)
Eva González (Universitat de Barcelona)
Pedro Guardia (Universitat de Barcelona)
Trinidad Guzmán (Universidad de León)
María Juan (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
· Scie-Lex Second Stage:
In a second stage, we include prefabricated expressions which contribute to:
– The characterisation of the prototypical phraseology of scientific genre the structural orga- nisation of the discourse
Information included:
– Variability
– Text distribution
– Discourse function
– Notes of usage
Research Team
Isabel Verdaguer (Coordinator) Universitat de Barcelona
Joseph Hilferty (Universitat de Barcelona)
Natalia Judith Laso (Universitat de Barcelona)
Elisabet Comelles (Universitat de Barcelona)
Emilia Castaño (Universitat de Barcelona)
Danica Salazar (Universitat de Barcelona)
Aaron Ventura (Universitat de Barcelona)
Trinidad Guzmán (Universidad de León)
Anna Poch (Universitat de Barcelona) In Memoriam
· SciE-Lex third Stage:
– In a third stage we have established the semantic frames (FrameNet project) to which the verbs in SciE-Lex belong. This allows the user to have easy access to all the information about the evoked semantic frames which FrameNet provides and to identify the verbs which are associated with the same frame.
Research Team
Isabel Verdaguer (Coordinator) Universitat de Barcelona
Joseph Hilferty (Universitat de Barcelona)
Natalia Judith Laso (Universitat de Barcelona)
Elisabet Comelles (Universitat de Barcelona)
Emilia Castaño (Universitat de Barcelona)
Aaron Ventura (Universitat de Barcelona)
Trinidad Guzmán (Universidad de León)
Anna Poch (Universitat de Barcelona) In Memoriam
Anna Poch (Universitat de Barcelona) In Memoriam