Since 1999 part of the team works designing microelectronic chips for a large variety of applications. As part of this research, the group is one of the pioneer groups designing CMOS single photons detectors (SPADs) with applications in radiation and point-of-care biomedical devices. Related to this activity, they have developed new small customized cameras and new types of ubiquitous chip-sized and lens-less microscopes.
In the frame of Nanostructured Materials, the group work since 2006 in printed electronics, developing their own inks to print conductors, semiconductors and isolants, mainly in the form of metal-oxides and polymers. The nanostructured films and devices obtained from this ecofriendly processes are nowadays focused on biocompatible optoelectronics and sensing applications. Another main research line of the group refers to harvesting and scavenging energy for low-power applications and self-powered devices.
Angel Dieguez Barrientos (Full Professor) angel.dieguez(at) (NanoPhotoElectro)
Anna Vilà Arbonés (Associate Professor) anna.vila(at) (NanoPhotoElectro)
Mauricio Moreno Sereno (Associate Professor) (NanoPhotoElectro)
Oscar Alonso Casanovas (Associate Professor) (NanoPhotoElectro)
Manuel Lopez De Miguel (Associate Professor) (NanoPhotoElectro)
Christophe Serre (Associate Professor) (NanoEnergy)
Influence of the Nature of Aminoalcohol on ZnO Films Formed by Sol-Gel Methods. Vilà A.; Gómez-Núñez A.; Alcobé X.; Palacios S.; Puig Walz T.; López C. 2023, Nanomaterials, 13, 6, 1057. Doi: 10.3390/nano13061057
Malaria quantitative POC testing using magnetic particles, a paper microfluidic device and a hand-held fluorescence Reader. Arias-Alpízar K., Sánchez-Cano A., Prat-Trunas J., de la Serna Serna E., Alonso O., Sulleiro E., Sánchez-Montalvá A., Diéguez A., Baldrich E. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 215, 114513, 2022
A Compact Raster Lensless Microscope Based on a Microdisplay. Vilà, A., Moreno, S., Canals, J., Diéguez, A. Sensors 2021, 21(17), 5941
Pursuing the diffraction limit with nano-led scanning transmission optical microscopy. Moreno S., Canals J., Moro V., Franch N., Vilà A., Romano-Rodriguez A., Prades J.D., Bezshlyakh D.D., Waag A., Kluczyk-Korch K., der Maur M.A., Di Carlo A., Krieger S., Geleff S., Diéguez A. Sensors. 2021, 21, 10, 3305
Individually switchable ingan/gan nano-led arrays as highly resolved illumination engines. Kluczyk-Korch K., Moreno S., Canals J., Diéguez A., Gülink J., Hartmann J., Waag A., Di Carlo A., der Maur M.A. Electronics. 2021, 10, 15, 1829
An internet of things-based intensity and time-resolved fluorescence reader for point-of-care testing. Alonso O., Franch N., Canals J., Arias-Alpízar K., de la Serna E., Baldrich E., Diéguez A. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2020, 154
Nano-Illumination Microscopy: a technique based on scanning with an array of individually addressable nanoLEDs , Franch, N.; Canals, J.; Moro, V.; Vilà, A.; Romano-Rodríguez, A.; Prades, J.D.; Guelink, J.; Bezshlyakh, D.; Waag, A.; Kluczyk, K.; Auf der Maur, M.; Di Carlo, A.; Dieguez, A. Optics Express. 2020, 28.
Directly addressable GaN-based nano-LED arrays: fabrication and electro-optical characterization, Bezshlyakh, D.D.; Spende, H.; Weimann, T.; Hinze, P.; Bornemann, S.; Gülink, J.; Canals, J.; Prades, J.D.; Dieguez, A.; Waag, A., Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 2020, 6.
Integración de Microscopios miniaturizados en dispositivos Organo en un Chip (PID2022-136833OB-C21). IP: Angel Dieguez Barrientos. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2023-2026)
Microscopi multi-hologràfic digital en la mida d’un xip. F2I-PdC_2021-006. IP1: Anna Vilà/IP2: Angel Dieguez. Convocatòria Prova de concepte 2021. Fons per a l’Impuls de la Innovació – Fundació Bosch i Gimpera. 2022-2023
Cámara CMOS basada en SPADs con histogramas analógicos integrados para medidas de resolución temporal en técnicas de microscopía emergentes de superresolución. PID2019-105714RB-I00. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. IP: Angel Dieguez. (2020-2023).
Scalable Structured Micro Illumination Light Engines (SMILE). IP1: Juan Daniel Prades/IP2: Angel Dieguez. FET OPEN 952135. (2020-2022)
Disseny d’acceleradors basats en la tecnologia RISC-V per a la propera generació de computadors (DRAC). IP: Angel Dieguez. Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement. Generalitat de Catalunya. RIS3CAT. (2019-2022)
Overcoming the Limits of Diffraction with Superresolution Lighting on a Chip (ChipScope). IP: Angel Dieguez. FET OPEN 737089. (2017-2020)
Materials inkjet printer DIMATIX 2831
Cadence, Synopsys, Mentor Graphics microelectronic design tools
The group collaborates with the Universitat de Girona (UdG), the Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona-Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM), the LAAS-CNRS from Toulouse (France) and the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences from Exeter (UK), the University of Braunschweig (TUBS), the University Roma Tor-Vergata (UNITOV), Silicon Labs Austria (SAL), the Fraunhofer Institute. Barcelona Supercomputing center (BSC). Polytechnical University of Catalonia (UPC).