Review IN2UB Activities&Outstanding News from Outreach Comission (2020/2021 academic year)

Categories: outreach

Outreach Activities

Nanocaedre Project: Dancing with Nanoparticles

Scientific conferences at Centre Cívic Pere Quart: LES ENTREVISTES DE L’IN2UB


Working Safely at the Nanoscale 

La ciència del segle XXI: la revolució nanotecnològica (Centre Cultural la Casa Elizalde)

Women at the IN2UB videos with interviews to our women researchers in frame of
11 February International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Women in scientific research and 8 March
International Women’s Day

European Research Night. Researchers from the Institute participates in this project with different talks:

– “You are right Mr. Feynman, there’s plenty of room at the bottom, but as much as we expected?” by Xavier Batlle Gelabert (IN2UB-Faculty of Physics).

– “Tallers NANO” by Jordi Díaz-Marcos, Coordinator of IN2UB outreach

Scientific Coffee- La nanotecnologia contra la COVID-19 i molt més enllà 

Dialogs around Nanoscience: Xavier Batlle and Jordi Díaz. COSMOCAIXA Barcelona. Broadcasted in Instagram Life and available in Facebook 

Festival 10alamenos9 (10-9 Festival). The Festival aims to bring the nanometric scale, its effects and how this knowledge is going to change our lives through countless applications and products, to all audiences. In frame of this festival, on 2020, “Vermú de Nanociencia” has been engaged; this activity offers short research seminars at a divulgation level for the general public. Xavier Batlle Gelabert has been member of the Jury for the International Phase of the competition of nano-tales: ‘Caben muchas historias en el mundo:¿Cuéntanoslas!’

“La nanotecnologia en el sector de l’alimentació: breu estat de l’art”, by Jordi Díaz-Marcos at the webinar Nano in Food on November 2020 organized by La Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRI), el Servei d’Innovació Agroalimentària del Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació (DARP) i l’Institut de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia de la UB (IN2UB)

“El grafè i la relació dels nous materials amb la ciència-ficció” by Enric Bertran (IN2UB-Faculty of Physics) in frame of Setmana de la Ciència

Outstanding News from Outreach

Sònia Estradé (from Department Electronics and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty Physics and Coordinator of the Outreach Commission of the Institute until September 2020) has received the Menció M. Encarna Sanahuja Yll, award for excellence in the inclusion of the gender perspective in university teaching practice (more information).

Jordi Díaz-Marcos, Coordinator of the Outreach Commission of the Institute since October 2020, has been awarded with premio a la Difusión y Educación Científica en Materiales from Sociedad Española de Materiales

Festival 10alamenos9, coordinated by Jordi Díaz-Marcos, has been awarded with Campus Gutenberg 2020

Jordi Díaz-Marcos awarded with  the dissemination prize from the University of Barcelona, for his work leading communication at the nanoscale (UB news)
