Institut de Recerca en Educació

Call for papers. Rethinking Education: Horizons and Challenges in Pedagogy. Revista Catalana de Pedagogia.

Deadline: September 30th, 2024

To respond to the new demands of the pedagogy profession, it is necessary to face the new horizons and challenges in the transformation of pedagogy in Catalonia, especially in the light of the Organic Law of Simplification and Unification of the University (LOSU). This law has triggered a movement of renewal in the degrees of pedagogy in Catalan universities, promoting a deep reflection on educational processes. A number of substantial changes are foreseen, including an exhaustive review of curricular contents, the introduction of new teaching-learning methodologies, and a strengthening of vocational training practices.

In order to remodel the pedagogy of the future, it is also essential to consider the recent results of the PISA report. These results, recently published, show a particular panorama of the effectiveness of the Catalan educational system to be considered in the changes in pedagogy to give answers from the educational system of Catalonia to the identified challenges, providing a complementary perspective on the challenges and opportunities of Catalan pedagogy, as well as a basis for future research and educational policies. In addition, it allows a more complete analysis of the factors that influence the academic performance of Catalan students and their preparation for the demands of the 21st century. We are looking for contributions that examine educational initiatives, challenges in implementation and the effects on the training of education professionals. With a critical and proactive approach, we aspire to bring together ideas and research that help guide pedagogy towards a more promising and inclusive future.

Thus, through this call for papers, we invite the academic community and education professionals to reflect on these changes and their effects on the pedagogy of the future. In particular, we are interested in exploring how these legislative changes have been implemented in educational institutions, and how they have been received by students and teaching staff. What are the challenges inherent in this transition process? What are the impacts observed in the training of future education professionals? What are the pedagogical innovations that have emerged as a result of these reforms? In addition, we are interested in understanding how these changes are aligned with global trends in education and how they can contribute to the improvement of the Catalan educational system.

The works presented can address a wide range of topics related to these questions, including case studies, empirical research, critical reflections, and proposals for educational policies in implemented experiences. Through this special edition, we aim to generate a rich and constructive dialogue on the future of pedagogy in Catalonia, highlighting the opportunities and challenges presented on the path to a more inclusive, innovative and adapted education to the challenges of the 21st century.

Articles can be sent in Catalan or English. The papers accepted by the journal will be published in one of the following sections:

You can check the detailed instructions for authors at the following links: (Cat) (Eng)

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