Awareness campaign on “Advice for the care of people with Alzheimer’s disease”.

Use of support products and adaptation of the flat

The project Know Alzheimer is a collection of videos that have been made jointly between the Centre for Personal Autonomy Sírius and the Stada Foundation.

Alzheimer’s is an evolutionary disease. People with this illness go through different stages and in each one of them, the difficulties encountered by the person, their family and carers are different.

Therefore, the intention of these four videos is to give some ideas and advice on how to reduce these problems, using support products and adapting the room. The images and guidelines that accompany the videos can help to understand the resources that exist, to know how they work and thus to assess whether the solution can be adapted to the person’s environment and situation. However, each case is different and professional advice may be necessary. This individualised guidance can be found in the centres for personal autonomy.

Use of support and adaptation products for the bathing chamber

The bathroom in general is a conflictive space for people with Alzheimer’s disease, as it tends to be a small room and the activities that are carried out require supervision by the carer from the first stage of the disease. Therefore, there must be a space for the carer next to the washbasin, next to the toilet and also next to the shower or bathtub. Further on, moreover, space will be needed for the chain and possibly the support product that will be used to make the transfers. For all these reasons, in many cases it is necessary to adapt the bathroom to the needs of the person with Alzheimer’s and the rest of the family.

Video “Tips for the care of people with Alzheimer’s disease. Use of support and adaptation products for the bathroom”.

Use of support and adaptation products in the bedroom

Adapting the bedroom furniture can improve the autonomy and facilitate the care of the person with Alzheimer’s disease.

Video “Advice for the care of people with Alzheimer’s. Use of support products and adaptation to the bedroom”.

Use of support and adaptation products for the living room

The living room is the place in the house where people with Alzheimer’s spend more time, and we need to make it a comfortable place where they can do some activities and rest.

Video “Advice for the care of people with Alzheimer’s. Use of support products and for the living room” .

Use of support and adaptation products for the dining room and kitchen

As for the dining room, at the time of eating, only the essentials should be left on the table for the person. A table full of objects can be confusing.

The kitchen, on the other hand, is a place full of dangers for people with Alzheimer’s, unless the activities are supervised by their caregiver, these should be restricted as the user’s difficulty progresses.

Video “Advice for the care of people with Alzheimer’s. Use of support products and adaptation in the dining room and kitchen”.

More info

Information for caregivers and relatives ” from the KnowAlzheimer page.