
Conferència: Tectono-sedimentary evolution of minibasins in foreland fold-and-thrusts belts. The central Sivas basin, Turkey

Notícia | 06-10-2016

Conferència a càrrec de: Charlie Kergaravat de la Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, França

Dijous 6 d'octubre, 12:00h

Sala d'Actes de l'Institut Jaume Almera

Cartell informatiu


This work studies the interaction between salt withdrawal and regional shortening during evolution of a foreland fold-and-thrust belt by means of a multiscale structural analysis of the Sivas Basin (Turkey). Extensive field work and regional seismic lines interpretations helped to build a new and detailed geologic map of the central Sivas Basin and to provide a new tectono-sedimentary framework highlighting the influence of salt tectonics and the regional shortening, starting in the Late Eocene by the autochthonous evaporite deposition. This level is remobilized by the northward migrating sedimentary load, shortening and tilting of the basin southern margin during propagation of the foreland fold-and-thrust belt. Evaporite flow is recorded by the withdrawal of a primary generation of continental Oligocene minibasins which are then covered by an evaporite canopy. The canopy extending northward allows the development of second generation of continental to shallow marine mini-basins from Oligocene to Middle Miocene.

The increasing influence of regional shortening on the minibasins domain is expressed by salt walls and diapir squeezing inducing: (i) the development of linear mini-basins perpendicular to the shortening direction, (ii) salt sheet emplacement and (iii) the translation/rotation of minibasins. The minibasins province produces a discontinuity for the fold-and-thrust belt propagation. Indeed, the minibasins province accommodates the shortening deformation along the polygonal network of salt walls and diapirs forming multidirectional structures. Furthermore, the regional shortening accommodation by salt structures squeezing produce an evaporitic remobilization and migration of a salt canopy toward the foreland basin.
