Conferència: The study of the Fe-Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization in the dunite body of Stratoniki area, Chalkidiki peninsula
A càrrec de: Dr. M. Ntouma
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Grècia
Dia: Dimecres 18 de gener
Hora: 12:00 h
Lloc: Sala d'actes de l'Institut Jaume Almera
The ophiolithic sequence of Stratoniki in Chalkidiki peninsula, in Northern Greece, displays a very interesting mineralization, consisted of FeNiCu sulfides. This research concerns the formation of the ironnickelcopper sulfide ores within the ultramafic body of a serpentinized dunite. The designation of how sulfides are formed can be the key to establish the conditions under which their genesis is detected. The main data obtained from the macroscopic and microscopic study of the dunite formation which displays the mineralization, are listed below: (Llegir més)