ANUNCI D'ACTIVITAT: EAGE Student Webinar 2015-2016: "INTEGRATED GEOPHYSICAL MODELS. Theory, examples and implications on creativity"
By Paolo Dell'Aversana-Eni e&p
Per primera vegada es realitzarà una teleconferència a l'Aula Magna. És una experiència que volem compartir amb vosaltres i us animen a assistir-hi.
EAGE Student Webinar 2015-2016
Title: INTEGRATED GEOPHYSICAL MODELS: Theory, examples and implications on creativity by
By: Paolo Dell'Aversana-Eni e&p
Place: Aula Magna, Facultat de Geologia- Universitat de Barcelona
Date and hour: 21-April-2016 11 to 13 hours
- Article that was published in First Break magazine about the lecturer and his SLT tour last year (attached)
- Article published recently
Link for registration: If you wish to attend the lecture and receive a document on the exposition you will have to
register your data at this link: EAGE Student Webinar 2015-2016
Abstract: The necessity to integrate multidisciplinary geophysical data has been increasing significantly over the past one or two decades. This is the effect of several interdependent factors. 1) Hydrocarbon exploration moved to deeper targets and more complex geological contexts. In these cases, models derived exclusively by one single type of geophysical measurements could be not adequate for describing the prospect and the geological setting. 2) The recent technological and scientific development nowadays supports and encourages the acquisition of huge multi-disciplinary data sets. This heterogeneous information is useful only if it is properly integrated, otherwise it introduces only additional interpretation problems.
In fact, added value can be extracted from multi-disciplinary data sets if and only if integration is performed appropriately. There is always the risk that redundant data sets can produce chaos instead of knowledge improvement, especially when the complex information flow is not properly managed. For this reason quantitative integration in geosciences should be considered as a rigorous discipline by itself.
The main objective of this lecture is to introduce this discipline, with particular focus on the integration of seismic, electromagnetic and gravity data. The lecture is addressed especially to university students. However, it can be useful also for professionals geoscientists, like exploration geophysicists and geologists, reservoir geophysicists, engineers and petrophysicists. The lecture will be focused on the following linked aspects: a) the value of integration in geosciences, with particular reference to geophysical methods, rock physics and geology; b) the implications of the process of integration of information on general questions linked to problem solving, creativity and innovation.