Conferència: Confocal Raman Imaging: applications and potential in Geosciences. SEMINARIS DE LA FACULTAT DE GEOLOGIA I L'INSTITUT DE CIÈNCIES DE LA TERRA 'JAUME ALMERA'
Dr. Jan TOPORSKI i Elena BAILO (WITec GmbH, Alemanya)
Confocal Raman microscopy has found increasing relevance over the past years in various fields of application in geo- and/or geobiology research. In addition to information obtained from classical analytical tools in geoscience, this method literally provides insight on the molecular, compositional and structural level on the submicron-scale in three dimensions. Results displayed as image information provides both spectroscopic point information as well as context information in the sample matrix. Adding a topographic sensor (profilometer) to such confocal setup further increases the analytical power as this way surfaces with a roughness of up to several millimeters can be investigated as is. Various examples ranging from geo(micro)biology, Paleobiology, Astro-materials and mineralogy will be presented, to demonstrate and discuss the added analytical power in geoscience applications.
Dia: 2 de juliol de 2012
Hora: 15:00
Lloc: Sala de Juntes de la Facultat de Geologia