
Conferència: Effects of earthquake source complexity in estimating seismic hazard: a case study for Istambul

Notícia | 19-09-2006

Dr. Kuvvet Atakan, Departament of Eart Sciencie, Universitat de Bergen
LLoc: Sala d'Actes de l'Institut Jaume Almera
Hora: 12 del migdia

Folloving the destructive earthquakes in 1999 in Izmit and Düzce, There is now an increased focus on risk mitigation in Istambul. One of the fundamental aspects of this is to establish a reliable seismic hazard assessment in the area. Recent studies aiming to understand the behaviour of the North Anatolian Failt (NAF) in the Marmara Sea, have highlighted clearly that the earthquakehazard in Istambul is mainly controlled by a telatively well-defined structure. Contributions from other segments of the NAF in the region are assumed to be insignificant as both thr eadtern and the western parts of the Marmara Sea Have experienced recent earthquakes (i.e. 1912 Ganos and 1999 Izmit and Düzce earthquakes). Givin these conditions, previous probabilistic seismic hazard assessments are not sufficient to account for the area.
