
Conferència: How special is the present Earth's magnetic field? Are we really going towards an imminent geomagnetic reversal?

Notícia | 27-09-2006

Prof. Angelo De Santis, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Roma
Lloc: Sala d'actes de lInstitut de Ciencies de la Terra "Jaume Almera"
Hora: 12 del migdia

The present period of time is very special for the geomagnetic field: there are some evidences for a peculiar behaviour of the field that is rather different from the rest of last few thousands of years, and that could be due to a possible imminent change of polarity or an execursion of the geomagnetic field.
In this presentation we will described somo related works published on international literature and then we will explore the possibility that the present trends are persistent, looking at the behavuior of some physical quantities of the geomagnetic field during the last 7 thousands of years, with particular attettion to a such last century.These results should give more substance to a possible present occurrence of a such a critical phenomenon for our planet, moving the subject from the realm of speculation to that of a real possibility to be more investigated in detail and not simply discarded.
