
Registration for: AAPG Student Chapter activity at the University of Barcelona - Spring 2016

Notícia | 06-04-2016

Barcelona 6th an 7th April 2016. Faculty of Geology of the UB
Dear students,

We are mailing to you this preliminary information in order to enable you to organize your agenda and plan your participation in the AAPG Student Chapter activity 2016 that will be developed in our Faculty on 6th and 7th April.

In the setting of the 2016 AAPG Student Chapter activity 2016, several lectures related with life experience of geologists in oil industry and advanced subsurface geology techniques will be held.

Cycle of lectures:

1. April 6th at noon: Life and Role of Geologists in the Oil Industry. Dr. O. Fernández. REPSOL

2. April 6th early afternoon: Petroleum Exploration and Structural Geology: From Seismic Interpretation to Fracture Modelling. Dr. O. Fernández. REPSOL

3. April 7th morning-early afternoon: Advanced geophysics and oil exploration Dr. Antonio J. Velásquez, ECOPETROL

Considering the present situation of oil industry, the first seminar-lecture will provide you with the perspective of an experienced professional who knows
the interior life in oil companies and may give you some additional tools to decide how to sail in your professional future.

The other two set of lectures will be of interest for you to get a first contact with some subsurface geological techiques mostly applied to petroleum geology.

If you are interested to attend these sessions, please fill the form that you will find at the link
