Ramón y Cajal Fellowships 2021 at the Faculty of Law
Candidates willing to apply for the sponsorship of the UB Faculty of Law should contact the vicedean of Research and International Relations of the Faculty of Law (vd.dret.recerca@ub.edu) by email before September 9, 2022 with a letter of intent and a curriculum vitae attached.
Deadline for Expressions of interest to the UB Faculty of Law: 9th September 2022.
Final decisions will be notified to applicants by 15th September 2022
Tenure prospects for Ramón y Cajal 2021 fellows
The University of Barcelona has the following policy regarding tenure prospects for Ramón y Cajal 2021 fellows.
Ramón y Cajal Fellows (Senior track, turno general)
Accepted Ramón y Cajal 2021 Fellows (senior track) will be able to apply for tenure as permanent professors at the University of Barcelona at the end of the 2nd phase with the following requirements. Candidates must:
- Have a letter of support (sponsorship) from the director of Department (and also from the institute director in case they are sponsored by one of UB’s research institutes).
- Hold the R3 accreditation certificate.
- Have taught a minimum of 60 hours per annum during the fellowship
- Hold a positive evaluation of their teaching activity (according to the UB’s evaluation manual approved by AQU-Catalunya).
Candidates not interested in tenure at UB will only need the letter of support from a Department or Institute. Because in these cases teaching is voluntary, sponsorship by departments or institutes will only refer to office space availability and to the conditions under which research will be carried out.
Ramón y Cajal Fellows (junior track, jóvenes Investigadores)
Junior RyC fellows are not entitled to tenure at the end of the 2nd phase. In order for them to be accepted they will need a letter of support and recommendation from the director of Department or Institute confirming office space and conditions to carry out their research. Teaching is not compulsory for junior fellows, although it might be of interest provided the following paragraph.
Although the current call does not imply a tenure compromise for junior fellows, the UB is open to devise a complementary track of talent attraction in the near future that might help junior fellows to consolidate their academic career at UB. Fellows should keep in mind that any consolidation policy will consider fellows’ teaching experience, and thus we recommend junior fellows to get at least some teaching duties during their fellowship.