Seminari FMC: Ferran Macià
El proper seminari del departament (dimecres 14 d’abril) serà a càrrec del Dr. Ferran Macià, que ens parlarà de sobre "Escoltar el so de les ones de magnetització mitjançant microscòpia de raigs X". Us esperem a tots.






Seminar room 320, 3rd floor of the Faculty of Physics, UB

Hearing the sound of magnetization waves through x-ray microscopy

Ferran Macià (ferran.macia@ub.edu)

Department of Condensed Matter Physics, University of Barcelona.

Spin waves in magnetic materials are coherent dispersive waves, typically in the low GHz frequency regime and with wavelengths of hundreds of nanometers. Interest in spin waves is motivated by the possibility of its integration into nano-scale devices for high-speed and low-power signal processing. However, generation of spin waves with high amplitudes -and their detection- is challenging due to the mismatch of wavelengths with electromagnetic waves in free space, which is of the order of several centimeters. I will review some recent experiments on the coupling of sound waves and spin waves using X-ray Photo-Emission Electron Microscope (XPEEM). The main observations are: i) the sound waves generate up to 3 GHz large amplitude spin waves over large distances [1], ii) it is possible to control sound waves interference patterns and so it is the control of spin wave [2] iii) the possibility of generating non-resonance spin waves and its difference with resonance excitations [3] and iv) the possibility of moving magnetic domains at the SAW velocity [4,5].

1] Phys Rev. Lett. 124, 137202 (2020)
[2] Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26, 184-193 (2019)
[3] Phys. Rev Applied (submitted) (arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.07994)
[4] Nature Commun. 8, 407 (2017)
[5] MRS bulletin 43, 854 (2018)


Part of the seminar series of the departament de física de la matèria condensada. For further information, email us at seminaris_fmc@fmc.ub.edu
