Information for the student – Sport Business Management
Final project
In accordance with the general regulations of the UB and the specific conditions applied at the Faculty of Economics and Business (enllaç), university master’s degrees are courses of study intended to provide advanced specialized or multidisciplinary training that facilitates subsequent academic or professional specialization or the initiation of a research career. All university master’s degree students must complete a Final Project, which is assessed on the basis of a public presentation and defence.
Within this framework, the syllabus of the university master’s degree in Sport Business Management includes the subject Final Project, which has a total study load of 10 credits.
The Final Project should bring together the knowledge and skills acquired during the degree course and provide a solid scientific grounding for the specific problem or research question addressed. Students must establish specific working hypotheses and use their analytical findings to validate or refute them and to form appropriate value judgements. Students must present their work clearly and accurately, outlining their methodologies, the contribution the project makes to the field of study, and the conclusions reached.
The development of the Final Project is supervised by a tutor from the teaching staff, who will monitor progress and provide guidance where necessary. During the first semester of the course students attend face-to-face sessions during which the teaching staff explain the methodology for the projects and outline possible areas of research. By the beginning of January all students must have decided on a draft title for their project and been assigned a tutor.
Students can choose to carry out a research project or to design an original business plan, as agreed upon with the tutor.
The Coordination Committee is responsible for establishing specific criteria on the format of the presentation and for appointing the members of the examination panel, in accordance with the general regulations applicable at the University of Barcelona. During June students will present their projects in a public session. The presentations are assessed by a panel of examiners.