Jean Monnet Chairs


    UNESCO Chairs
    UNESCO Chair in Bioethics

    The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics at the University of Barcelona, founded in 2007, frames its work on the respect and promotion of human rights and advocates a conception of multidisciplinary, flexible and secular bioethics. It is based on the experience gained by the OBD in the fields of research and training, while promotes the knowledge transfer to other countries through networking. It is part of the group of nine UNESCO Chairs in Bioethics established around the world, being the only one in the Spanish state in this field. It is also part of the UNITWIN Network of UNESCO Chairs world and the Catalan Group of UNESCO Chairs.

    Maria Casado Gonzalez (Director of the Chair)


Excellence networks

The research in numbers

  3 European research projects

  31 National research projects

  29 Doctoral theses completed in 2022-2023

  14 Consolidated research groups