University of Barcelona

Information for the student – Advanced Legal Studies (Former plan)


Assessment calendar

Assessment system

The master’s degree assessment system is governed by the University of Barcelona’s Assessment Regulations.

In general, the system is based on continuous assessment, comprised of periodic evaluations involving activities and/or tests designed by the subject’s lecturer as meaningful indicators of students’ progress in attaining the knowledge, abilities and values that are the object of the learning.

Students may request a single assessment option, in which their attainment of the subject’s objectives is assessed at the end of the learning process rather than continuously. Students who request single assessment are withdrawn from the continuous assessment system.

The system of continuous and single assessment is defined in the Course Plan for each subject.  

The main assessment instruments that are used in the MEJA will be:

  • Written tests: exams, question papers (multiple choice, true/false answers, matching exercises, among others), objective tests (simple answers, phrase completion), essay answer or problem solving exams.  
  • Oral tests: interviews or exams, sharing knowledge or public presentations.
  • Assignments completed by the student: reports, dossiers, projects or essays.