University of Barcelona

Literary Theory and Comparative Literature

Final project

Final Project

In the final years of their studies, undergraduate students must take and pass the Final Degree Project (TFG), which is mandatory.

The Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of official university courses, establishes its mandatory nature and says: "The work at the end of the Degree... must be carried out in the final phase of the plan of studies and be oriented towards the evaluation of skills associated with the degree".

The TFG involves the completion by the student and individually of a project in which the skills (knowledge, skills and attitudes) acquired throughout the degree are applied, integrated and developed.

Exceptionally, and when the difficulty, complexity or interdisciplinary nature of the work justifies it, it can be done in a group (maximum 3 students); in these cases it is necessary for the tutor to draw up a short report justifying the work and to receive the authorization of the TFG coordinator of the education.

The TFG can be carried out simultaneously or consecutively to the realization of external curricular practices (compulsory or optional). In this case, the student can link both subjects.

As a general rule, the TFG must conform to one of the following types:

  • In-depth study and/or synthesis based on the research of bibliographic sources (state of the issue, review, synthesis, theoretical and conceptual development).
  • Essay or work where the acquired knowledge and skills are applied.
  • Creative work of a professional nature linked, preferably, to external curricular practices.

The training activities of the TFG correspond fundamentally to the student's independent work.
The TFG is regulated by the General Norms governing final degree theses of the University of Barcelona, approved by the Governing Council of June 7, 2011 and by the Final Degree Thesis Regulations of the Faculty of Philology and Communication, approved by the Academic Commission of the Center on February 3, 2023.

According to this regulation, "the student must write the TFG when he is in the final phase of the study plan. He can do it when he has registered all the credits he lacks to obtain the degree".

Enrollment requirements and application

The subject "Final Work of Degree" can be enrolled by selecting it in the automatic registration in the block of compulsory subjects of the fourth year. The requirement is that the student completes the degree studies in the year in which he enrolls in the TFG. In this sense, the Secretariat will review the registrations and files of the students and, in those cases where it is verified that the requirement is not met, a modification of the registration will be made ex officio by deleting the TFG.

Tutoring of the TFG

The TFG is carried out under the guidance of a TFG tutor, who must act as a facilitator and facilitator of the learning process.

The tutor must be a teacher, preferably with teaching linked to the corresponding degree.

The tutoring of a TFG is structured in an established number of face-to-face group sessions and in a series of individual tutoring sessions. In any case, at least three individual sessions and two collective sessions must be held.

The teaching staff guides the student in relation to:

  • Delimitation of the subject.
  • Goal setting.
  • Establishment of the TFG preparation calendar.
  • Documentary and methodological guidelines.
  • Monitoring the development of the work.
  • Obtaining conclusions.
  • Guidelines for the oral presentation and defense of the TFG.

Assignment or choice of TFG topics

When assigning or choosing TFG subjects, it must be borne in mind that, in order to be able to evaluate the skills achieved by the student, the subject chosen as an object of study must be directly linked to the subjects that make up the degree

For the choice of the subject of the TFG, the tutor must provide a selection of subjects to the student or can attend to the student's proposals in this regard. In any case, the choice made by the student must be approved by the tutor.

Evaluation of the TFG

The evaluation of the TFG is ongoing. Given the unique nature of the TFG, in which transversal skills must be assessed, which can only be done through the monitoring and tutoring of the student, there is no possibility of accepting the single assessment .

For this reason, it is not possible for the student to opt for the extraordinary end-of-studies convocation. You can only be accepted if, while attending the stipulated collective and individual sessions, you have not been able to present the TFG in the June and September calls of the course immediately preceding the registration date of the extraordinary call

The evaluation periods of the TFG are adjusted to the evaluation calendar established for each academic year.

The teaching plan for the TFG subject includes the criteria and the evidence that make up the evaluation system and the weighting of each one. The evidence is, at least:

  • The individual tutorials, where the following transversal skills are especially assessed:
  1. Capacity for criticism and self-criticism;
  2. Creative ability in decision-making;
  3. Ability to organize and plan work;
  4. Learning capacity and responsibility;
  5. Ability to locate, critically evaluate, use and synthesize bibliographic information.
  • The written memory. The tutor assesses the rigor and quality of the content of the work and the formal quality of the written work (correct spelling and grammar, structure of the discourse and relevant use of vocabulary).
  • The oral defense of the work. A court especially assesses the student's oral communication ability, that is to say, the correctness of expression and the student's ability to communicate and debate.

It is an essential requirement that the student approves the written report in order to pass the subject.

The requirements and formal characteristics and content of the written report are included in the corresponding teaching plan for the subject of each degree.

To be able to carry out the reassessment of the TFG, it is required that the student has done the individual tutorials and the oral presentation within the period of the continuous assessment.

The TFG assessment of Philology degrees follows a rubric system as indicated in the attached document.

Guide of the TFG for Philology degrees

1. Assignment or choice of tutor and thematic axis

Once registration and the presentation session have been completed, and the students' proposals have been collected, the TFG coordinator for each grade will assign each one a tutor. The distribution of students will be made, if applicable, in accordance with the average grade of the academic record.

 2. Elaboration of the TFG
The preparation of the TFG by the student follows a process marked by the two collective sessions that are mandatory, although the tutor can schedule some more, if he considers it appropriate.

In this way, the preparation of the TFG will progress according to the following sequence:


a. First session (collective). At the beginning of the semester, the tutor will meet with the assigned students, comment on the subject program, inform them about the characteristics of the work, about the individual and collective tutorials and about the evaluation system. In addition, he will be able to provide them with a selection of topics, within the chosen thematic axis, or he will attend to the student's proposals in this regard.

b. The starting point for the preparation of the TFG will be located, as is clear, in the determination of the topic of the work, which will be done in agreement with the tutor assigned and within a certain time limit, which is advised which is about fifteen days.

c. From this moment on, the student will have to delve deeper into the chosen topic, while establishing the work objectives, the methodology, the basic bibliography and their action plan.

Through individual sessions, the tutor will guide the students in setting objectives, in methodological and documentary issues and will monitor the development of the work.


Second collective session. It will take place approximately one and a half months before the end of the TFG. The student will make an oral presentation of the work in progress in front of his tutor and group mates. The fundamental objective of this session will be to supervise the progress in the development of the TFG, guide the student with the contributions of the tutor and exercise the skills of oral communicative ability, that is, the correction in expression and the ability to student debate.


From the oral presentation, the student will already be in the final phase of the TFG. Through individualized sessions, the tutor will guide the student in the problems and doubts related to the conclusion of the work and in the aspects related to the writing and presentation of the written report.

At the end of the semester, on the day, time and place set at the beginning of the course, the student must deliver:

a. Written report, preferably double-sided, according to the criteria indicated in the teaching plan and in this TFG guide.

b. Resum en català o espanyol.

c. Resum en anglès o en la llengua de redacció de la memòria, si aquesta no és el català o l'espanyol.

d. Delivery of the report and summaries.

e. Signed declaration of authorship (on paper).

In a period of approximately fifteen days, the student will defend the TFG before a court.

  3. Formal criteria for drafting the TFG report
Extension. The length of the TFG will range between 42,000 and 63,000 characters with spaces approximately (equivalent to 20-30 pages of conventional dimensions), plus the bibliography and, where appropriate, appendices.

Style criteria. structure

a. Covered
b. The required font is Times New Roman 12, spaced 1½ spaces, margins 2.54 cm x 2.54 cm (conventional dimensions of a Word page).
c. The papers must be accompanied by an abstract in two languages (no longer than 150 words) and a list of keywords (between 3 and 5, in two languages).
d. For formal looks, see the style sheet.

4. Date of delivery of the TFG

Ordinary call: the last 3 days of the evaluation period (14, 17 and 18 June 2024)

Re-evaluation: 2 and 5 September 2024

5. Evaluation and public defense
Once the student has handed in the TFG, the tutor will appoint the committee that will have to evaluate the public defense of the work. The different evaluation commissions have a maximum period of fifteen days to make the evaluation.

Each evaluation committee will be made up of the tutor and two other doctors from the education where the TFG is presented.

The evaluation event will consist of a public event in which the student will present the results of their work (15 minutes long) in front of the evaluation committee. This commission may make the comments and/or questions it considers pertinent, to which the student must respond.

The TFG qualification will be the result of:

assess, by the tutor, the attitude of the student and the evolution of the work in the preparation process (10%);
assess, by the tutor, the content and formal quality of the work (60%);
assess, by the court, the student's presentation, oral communication and debate skills (30%).
The evaluation procedure will be carried out using rubrics, which distinguish these three aspects and at the same time evaluate the transversal skills associated with the TFG.

The tutor will be responsible for entering the grades of the group of students he/she supervises in the minutes.

6. The TFG presented

6.1. Publication in the digital repository

Final Degree Theses that have obtained the excellent rating, if the author gives their consent, will be published in the digital repository of the University of Barcelona.

A TFG published in the Digital Depository of the UB has a permanent identifier of a digital object called handle which is equivalent to the DOI, and allows the work to be cited as a publication.

The student whose work has been graded as excellent and who wishes to publish it must follow the following protocol:

  1. The students deliver the digital version of the TFG el Treball to the coordinating teachers.
  2. The students deliver, digitized, the assignment of rights document for publication to the coordinator.
  3. The coordinator fills in the authorization for the publication of the works of the students who request it and digitizes it. (We only need this authorization when the teaching collection where the works are to be published has not been created in the repository).

The coordinator sends to the library ( the digital version of the TFG, the assignment of rights document and the authorization for publication. (only if the collection has not been created).

At the CRAI-Library, once it is checked that all the data is correct, the TFG is published.


6.2. Storage of TFGs

The TFG coordinators for each course are responsible for uploading to the digital repository that they are assigned all the TFG for each academic year. In the space reserved for this function, the rubrics of each student and the summaries of each of the works must also be added. On the other hand, they must record in an Excel all the relevant information about the TFGs for each course, so that they will progressively record, for each course, the title, the author, the qualification, the tutor (or tutors) and the keywords of each TFG
