University of Barcelona

Literary Theory and Comparative Literature

Pathways and specializations

  • Subject: Specific Contents of Universal Literature

    a. Bible and Tradition in Western Culture 360486

    b. Cervantes and the poetics of the novel 361111

    c. Scandinavian culture and civilization 361960

    d. Dutch cultures 361956

    e. The story in France 362012

    f. The Anglophone Postcolonial World 362751

    g. The troubadours and their European reception 364962

    h. Fantasy, humor and subversion: from Castelao to Manuel Rivas 362020

    i. Great Polish literary figures of the second half of the s. XX 362031

    J. Introduction to Arabic Literature I 360428

    k. Introduction to Latin rhetoric and stylistics 361054

    l. Basque literature 362084

    m. Brazilian literature 362081

    n. Catalan literature: classicist poetics 360787

    or Modern Greek Literature 362831

    e.g. Spanish-American literature of the 20th century 361037

    what Literature and Holocaust 361983

    r. Contemporary Russian Narrative 362046

    s. External practices 363388

    t. Psychoanalysis and Italian literature 362056

    u Classic tradition 361392
