Research office
ADHUC–Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality
It was created in 2016 by resolution of the Governing Council of the University of Barcelona of June 16.
Its main aim is to promote research on theorisation, practices and cultural representations of gender and sexual difference in the fields of literature, film, the arts, philosophical thought, history and health, from Antiquity until the 21st century. The core of research that makes up ADHUC starts from the consolidated research group Creation and thinking of women (CiPD), officially recognized in the calls of AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya): SGR2005/00246 (2005-2008), SGR2009/647 ( 2009-2013) and 2014 SGR 44 (2014-2017). This GRC includes three groups from the University of Barcelona with a long and intense trajectory in terms of the number and relevance of scientific activities, transfer and training capacity since 1990: the Center for Women and Literature-Gender, Sexualities, Criticism of culture, the Philosophy and Gender Seminar and Tàcita Muta – Women and Gender Studies Group in Antiquity. In 2016, the research group for Studies in women, health and the ethics of the healthcare relationship was incorporated, 2014 SGR 156 (2014-2017).