Curricular internships of the bachelor's degrees in Philology

External Curricular Internships is an optional subject, included in the study plans of most Philology degrees, which allows students to carry out an internship as part of the curricular training offered by their teaching.

The offer of places is published between the beginning and the middle of April.

Practice Office

Administration: Soraya Ramírez Fabero (
Presential schedule: from Monday to Friday, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m

Telephone: 93 403 55 83
Location: Secretaria de Estudiantes y Docencia
Academic coordination: Esther Blasco Mateo (
Academic tutors for curricular practices: Esther Blasco Mateo, Jordi Fortuny Andreu, Salvador Iranzo Abellán, Imma Miralpeix Pujol i Lourdes Soriano Robles