Registration and annual evaluation of the Research Plan


In the academic year in which you have formalised admission to the doctoral programme (first year) you must draw up and present a Research Plan drawn up in any of the programme's languages.

The presentation of the Research Plan during the course in which admission to the program has been formalised (academic tutelage plate) is a requirement to continue in the program.

From the following academic year in which the Research Plan has been accepted, the Academic Commission will evaluate, each academic year, the advances made in the research plan and the activity document.

The Academic Committee of the programme sets out the timetable, the specific documents to be presented for the annual evaluation.

The Research Plan must include at least:

  1. The provisional title of the thesis
  2. Project Hypothesis and/or Goals
  3. The theoretical framework
  4. The methodology to use and the means
  5. The expected results
  6. The relevant bibliography
  7. The thesis planning
  8. The schedule for its completion
  9. A data management plan
  10. The ethical considerations of research

The Academic Committee of the programme sets out the specific timetable, content and requirements to be included in the Research Plan and also the documentation and procedures linked to the presentation. You can consult the specific requirements that the Commission has been able to set for the program you are currently in progress at the end of this information.

Delivery deadline for 2023-2024:

Aplication period: 2 May to  June  7, 2024

Resolucion:   July  12, 2024

The application, both for approval and monitoring, will be made online, through the page of each doctoral programme, attaching all the necessary documentation in PDF format:

  • Document corresponding to the Research Plan, according to the content and characteristics established by the programme CA.
    Activity document, adding the training activities performed from the beginning of doctoral studies to the current moment.
    Written or e-mail of the direction and tutoring of the thesis, with the approval of the Research Plan submitted to it.
  • New compromise document, if the thesis direction has changed (only in follow-up cases).

See the specific page of each program for more information.
