University of Barcelona

Spanish as a Foreign Language: Research and Professional Practices

Objectives and competences


The aim of this master's degree is to train experts in Spanish as a foreign language or as a second language (SFL/L2). For this purpose, students will gain deep, systematic knowledge of the main characteristics of Spanish language and culture, which can then be applied to processes of teaching Spanish to learners with other initial languages.


  • Linguistic, pragmatic and cultural knowledge of the use of Spanish in context, to plan teaching in SFL/l2 environments.
  • Specialised knowledge on linguistic and cultural variety in the Spanish-speaking world, to attain broad competence in the use of Spanish.
  • Capacity to assess linguistic and communicative quality of texts or discourses that are oral, written, audiovisual and digital produced in Spanish using the media and social networks and assessing their educational potential.
  • Knowledge of the main research trends for the teaching of foreign languages and their application in the FL/L2 classroom.
  • Capacity to assess linguistic and cultural knowledge of Spanish students.
  • Ability to organise the teaching/learning process in an SFL/L2 course.
  • Capacity to integrate the knowledge required to use various information and communication technologies in the SFL classroom.
  • Capacity to design and produce material to develop the four types of communication, language skills, sociolinguistic competence and pragmatic competence.
  • Capacity to design and carry out a research study on SFL/L2.
  • Capacity to critically assess the methodological design of empirical studies on SFL/L2.
  • Capacity to identify, understand and assess the main types of studies on SFL/L2.
  • Capacity to transfer and apply the research results in SFL/L2 into teaching practice.