Quantum Science and Technology
Career opportunities
The masters degree in Quantum Science and Technologies is aimed at graduates in physics, physical engineering or equivalent degrees who want to specialize in Quantum Science and Technologies. The course provides advanced knowledge to develop theoretical and experimental cutting-edge research in the fields of quantum sensing and communication, quantum computing and simulation, in line with the European Quantum Flagship. The teaching programme will include the presentation of key concepts, formal aspects, practical tools and techniques and engagement with industry. Students will gain the knowledge they need to engage in ongoing research on these topics. Various universities, research centres and high-tech companies actively participate in teaching the masters degree, which will facilitate the future integration of students in academic and industrial sectors.
Students enrolled on the masters degree will have the opportunity to have first hand contact with local and international companies working on quantum technologies through a range of activities, including internships, thematic seminars, and an annual career symposium.
Students enrolled on the masters degree will have the opportunity to have first hand contact with local and international companies working on quantum technologies through a range of activities, including internships, thematic seminars, and an annual career symposium.