I am a mathematician specializing in probability theory and a full professor at the University of
Barcelona (UB) since 1986, (when I was 34 years old). In October 2022, I became emeritus. I
am elected member of the Institute of Catalan Studies (since 2016), the Royal Academy of
Sciences and Arts of Barcelona (since 2019) and honorary fellow of the Catalan College of
Economists (since 2017). In 2024, I have been elected member of the Academia Europaea.

My academic career started at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and, prior to taking my
post at the UB, I got a permanent position as associate professor at the University Autònoma
of Barcelona. From 1993-1996, I served as Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics of the UB
and from 2000-2003, as Vice-president of the Division of Experimental Sciences and
Mathematics, where I was responsible for the research and doctoral studies areas. In 2023, I
was appointed vice-president of the institution I-CERCA, the Catalan government institution
overseeing the public research centers of Catalonia of all disciplines.

My research interests are in stochastic analysis. Since 2006, I have been the leader of the
research group on stochastic processes at the UB, principal investigator of many research
projects and a collaborator of EU funded projects. My scientific contributions, in collaboration
with international scientists and some PhD students, have contributed to significant
advances in the areas of random fields, analysis on the Wiener space (Malliavin calculus),
and the theory of stochastic differential and stochastic partial differential equations, with
results in large deviations, support theorems, regularity of the sample paths of solutions and
study of their fractal properties, among others. My publication list consists of more than 100
scientific articles (according to MathSciNet and zbMath Open), and a monograph on
Malliavin calculus and applications to SPDEs. I have supervised 11 PhD thesis.

I have been member of many scientific committees of international congresses and of scientific
societies, and also of prize committees in mathematics and other scientific fields. A few examples are the SC of the 5th
ECM (Amsterdam, 2008), the panel for Probability (ICM, 2022), and the Abel Committee for
the Abel Prize in 2016 and 2017.

I have been (and I am still) engaged in editorial duties, serving at several editorial boards of
international mathematical journals, for example, in the Annals of Probability from 2015 to
2020. I have been member of international committees overseeing the mathematical
sciences, such as the Board of Directors of the Institut Henri Poincaré, the committee for
Research and Education of the École Polytechnique, and the Scientific Committee of the
Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Luminy, all in France, the Scientific
Council of the Banach Center (Warsaw), the Fellows Committee and the Committee of
Special Lectures of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (USA), and the Board of Directors
of the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica in Bellaterra (Barcelona). Currently, I am member of
the Board of Directors of the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris and the
Koterweg-de Vries Institut for Mathematics in Amsterdam.

During 1997-2004 I was member of the Executive Committee of the European Mathematical
Society. Then, in 2010, I was elected President by the Council, holding the position from
January 2011 to December 2014. Since its creation in 2007, I have been collaborating with
the European Research Council (ERC). In the years 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021, I have
been in the panel CoG- PE1 (Consolidator Grants) and was appointed the chair for the last
two calls.

I was awarded with the Narcis Monturiol Medal of Scientific and Technological Excellence of
the Government of Catalonia in 1988, the Real Sociedad Matemática Española Medal in
2017 and in 2011, I was elected Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (USA).