“There is a big variety of international students in the MSc in Economics which makes the interaction more interesting”

Aydan DoganAydan Dogan joined the Department of Economics at the Universitat de Barcelona School of Economics in September 2016 as a postdoctoral researcher. She was hired in the international job market after having obtained her PhD in Economics from the School of Economics, University of Kent, in 2015. Her research fields are Open Economy Macroeconomics and Macroeconomics. In this interview, Dogan answers to questions about her experience and expectations.

It has been nine months since you joined the Universitat de Barcelona School of Economics as a postdoctoral researcher. What do you think of the experience thus far?
My experience at the University of Barcelona has been really good so far. All the members of the School are very friendly and helpful. Both the administrative staff and the lecturers are very approachable.

What can you tell us about the research you are carrying out at the UB School of Economics?
I have ongoing projects and some finished papers at the moment. I have also recently started on new projects with some co-authors from the Bank of England, ESADE and the University of Maryland.

What are your main fields of interest?
My main research areas are open economy macroeconomics and macroeconomics.

What courses do you teach at the Faculty of Economics and Business?
I teach half of the Macroeconomics course in the second quarter and half of the International trade course in the third quarter of the master’s programme. I also teach the International Economics course at the undergraduate level for International Business students.

What do you enjoy most about teaching UB students?
I particularly enjoy teaching at the master’s programme. Students are very interested in the subjects and they are eager to learn. There is a big variety of international students in the programme which makes the interaction in the lectures more interesting.

You had to go through a competitive selection process before being offered a place at the Department of Economics. How was your experience as an Economics Job Market Candidate?
Job Market period was challenging and difficult at times. But yet I see it as good training. I get to improve my skills in presenting papers, discussing research as well as managing time.

Did you ever imagined yourself being a postdoc researcher and assistant professor at the University of Barcelona?
Yes, more than imagining I would say I was hoping to be selected. I really enjoyed my fly-out at the UB. Members of the department were extremely friendly and clear on the prospects of the position. I received many very useful comments during my job talk and it was clear to me that being part of the department would be academically very beneficial for me.

What do you expect from your postdoc experience at the University of Barcelona?
I am planning to keep conducting research actively. During this period I am hoping to finish some papers and start on new projects. I will keep attending seminars and conferences and stay active in research. This position will not only help me building a stronger research profile but it will also help me to get experience in teaching.

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