Fina Birulés

Fina Birulés

PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona

Honorary researcher of the Philosophy and Gender Seminar-ADHUC Research Center Theory, Gender, Sexuality, member of the Philosophy and Gender Seminar since its foundation in 1990. She is author of articles and essays on subjectivity, politics and memory, as well as on issues of feminist theory and in relation to feminine philosophical production —with special attention to Hannah Arendt’s the work, as well as that of other 20th century women philosophers. She has translated several works in the field of contemporary philosophy, and is the author of numerous essays and the editor of collective volumes (Filosofía y género; El género de la memoria; Pensadoras del Siglo XX. Aportaciones al pensamiento filosófico y político and Lectoras de Simone Weil —the last two in collaboration with Rosa Rius Gatell—, Arendt, Hannah, Más allá de la filosofía. Escritos sobre cultura, arte y literatura —co-edited with Àngela Lorena Fuster and Judith Butler, co-edited with Doris Leibetseder, 2022).

Significant works include: Una herencia sin testamento: Hannah Arendt (Herder, 2007) and Entreactes. Entorn del pensament, la política i el feminisme (Trabucaire, 2014, translated into Spanish by the Argentine publisher Katz, 2016) Feminisme, una revolució sense model. Feminism, a Revolution without a Model (CCCB, 2018), Hannah Arendt. El orgullo de pensar (Gedisa, 2018), with Judith Butler and Marta Segarra, L’embolic del gènere. Per què els cossos importen? Gender Trouble: Why do Bodies matter? (CCCB, 2019), Hannah Arendt: libertad política y totalitarismo (Gedisa, 2019), with Àngela Lorena Fuster, «A Feminine and Feminist Story of Transmission» in LAURENZI, Elena. MOSCA, Manuela (Eds.) A Female Activist Elite in Italy, 1890–1920 (Palgrave, 2022), «Tra la riscossa delle identità e l’indifferenza dei generi» in DE LEO, Daniela and LAURENZI, Elena (eds.), Tessere le relazioni. Scritti in onore di Marisa Forcina (Milella, 2022) and Hannah Arendt: el món en joc (Arcàdia, 2023).