Stefania Fantauzzi

PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona

Stefania Fantauzzi is Rresearcher at the Seminari Filosofia i Gènere of the University of Barcelona since 2002. She holds a degree in Philosophy from the Università di Bologna and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona with a thesis on Politics, Impolitics and Violence in Hannah Arendt (Extraordinary PhD Award), directed by Fina Birulés. She is currently an associate professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and researcher at the Arendt Group of Thought and Politics (GAPP).

Her interests have been directed for some years towards political philosophy, and especially the thought of Hannah Arendt, an author on whom Fantauzzi has published several articles in journals and books. During her postdoctoral period, she carried out research at the Hannah Arendt Zentrum in Oldenburg, where she deepened her studies on the role of violence in Arendt’s thought, and began to analyze the relationship of this thinker with contemporary philosophers, especially with Günther Anders. She is currently researching the relationship between law and politics, with special emphasis on the contemporary world, and paying attention to the question of civil disobedience in Arendt and other authors. The conclusions of this research can be seen in the edition of the articles that Arendt published in the journal Aufbau, compiled in the volume Participar del món (Mallorca: Lleonard Muntaner, 2020) and in Arendt’s essay Civil Disobedience (Mallorca: Lleonard Muntaner 2022).

Fantauzzi combines her research work with translation, including the Italian translation of Cruz, Manuel, Come fare cose con i ricordi, Rome: Casini, 2009 and Cruz, Manuel, I brutti scherzi del passato, Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 2010.