Teresa Hoogeveen

PhD Candidate in Philosophy, Universitat de Barcelona

Teresa Hoogeveen earned a Bachelor of Science with a major in Mathematics and Physics and a minor in Philosophy from University College Roosevelt (Utrect University, 2010), and a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona (2016).

She is currently a PhD Candidate (FI-AGAUR 2019 grant) in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona with a dissertation on the writer, philosopher and feminist Françoise Collin (1928-2012). Her research focuses on Collin’s proposal of the difference of the sexes as praxis, especially on her reading of Hannah Arendt and the journal Les Cahiers du Grif (1973-1997). She has been a visiting scholar at the Università del Salento (2020) with Marisa Forcina and Elena Laurenzi, at the Université Saint-Louis–Bruxelles (2021) with Véronique Degraef and at the Laboratoire d’Études de Genre et Sexualité (LEGS, Paris, 2022) with Marta Segarra.

She studied a master’s degree in Contemporary Though and Classical Tradition at the University of Barcelona. She prepared her master’s thesis under the supervision of Dr. Salvi Turró, in which she investigates the genesis and elaboration of the concepts of common sense and communicability in Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Judgement, and the subsequent understanding of the same concepts by Hannah Arendt.

She is member of the Filosofia i Gènere Seminar. Her research focuses on the problem of the construction of a common world, feminism and the difference of the sexes as praxis, as well as methodologies for researching and transmiting the thought of women philosophers.