MEFROP Seminar: European Memories on the Pyrenees border

The Pyrenees border is characterized by a rich multiplicity of memories. Many actors (associations, institutions and academics) are engaged in memory-related studies, practice and policies.
This is the reason why the aim is set on building a long-lasting network by means of a cross-border multicultural project on memorial heritage, relying on digital resources. The target is, in fact, to create a permanent structure. The project is devoted to underlining the experience, expertise and knowhow of the different actors involved in the field of history, memory and heritage policies, in the issue of European policies on memory, and nowadays’ memory in border societies. We work on the subject of memory as a crosscutting, multidisciplinary field, because it is a crucial matter for today's Europe in terms of its link to the conflicts that took place during the recent past, with a new perspective between the strength inherited from European conflicts, and the symbolism of the current permeability that defines the administrative borders of the European States. The project aims at consolidating a permanent work group that promotes debate and learning, and which is strongly based on the territory while including all public and private actors. Studying borders is in itself already a permanent universe of interculturality. The most important aspect of this project is nonetheless to establish working lines, and social
and academic networks in order to analyze and enhance the richness—diverse and exemplary—of the history and memory of this border territory featuring a great transdisciplinary, transnational and multicultural potential.
This is necessarily a project open to permanent seminars and culturally more far-reaching collaborations.