Welcome programme for visiting lecturers / researchers
Welcome to the International Mobility and Programmes Office of the University of Barcelona.
The activities of visiting teaching and research staff are governed by the following REGULATIONS. approved by the Governement Council (11/02/2015).
The procedure begins with the department, a member of whose teaching staff invites a lecturer or researcher from another institution to arrange a period of work at the UB.
If you are a lecturer / researcher from a foreign institution and have arranged a period of work at the University of Barcelona, you are eligible to receive an official UB credentials accrediting your status as a visiting lecturer / researcher. To obtain your credentials you will need to complete the form below. The details will be confirmed with the member of the UB teaching staff with whom the arrangements have been made.
The credentials will give you access to a range of services:
Library catalogue searches and loans
UB Sports services
Catalan language courses: Language orientation activities
Spanish language courses
UB email address
The visiting teaching and research staff has at his disposal all the information on the general prevention measures established in the Contingency Plan of the University of Barcelona published on the UB Portal: https://www.ub.edu/web/ub/en/universitat/coronavirus/index.html
In the application form, it's mandatory to check the box:
- That I am aware of the current pandemic context caused by COVID-19 and that I accept the circumstances and risks that this situation may entail during the development of the teaching / research activity that will take place at the University of Barcelona facilities.
- That I have been informed that the buildings and facilities of the University of Barcelona cannot be accessed by individuals showing symptoms compatible with a COVID-19 infection, as well as by individuals who have been in close contact with a case of COVID-19 infection in the previous 14 days; if this circumstance occurs, it should be notified to the University and to the corresponding sanitary authorities.
You must contract personal medical and accident insurance that includes coverage of repatriation costs. The policy must cover the full period you have arranged to spend at the University of Barcelona. The UB will not be liable for or assume the payment of costs incurred in the event of accident and repatriation.
You have the option of purchasing one with a insurance company who has signed an agreement with the UB: Ferrer&Ojeda Asociados Correduría de Seguros, S.L.: https://net.ferrerojeda.com/en-US/MOVILIDAD-IN.aspx
Information about visas and residence permits can be found at the following address: http://www.ub.edu/uri/professorsNOUB/residencia_es.htm.
The documentation will be sent by internal mail to the corresponding department and addressed to the University of Barcelona lecturer / professor with whom your arrangements have been made.
It's compulsory submit the form one month before your arrival to guarantee the delivery of the UB credentials and the welcome pack on time.