Lecture by Christian Felber: “Lʼeconomia del bé comú: la cerca dʼun model social i solidari”

Lecture by Christian Felber: “Lʼeconomia del bé comú: alternatives reals per sortir de la crisi”
11/04/13 | 12:00

Christian Felber, professor of Economics at the University of Viena, will give a lecture on 11th April, at midday, in the Paranymph Hall of the Historic Building. Expert on sustainable economy and alternatives to financial markets, Felber has developed a new international economic model so-called ʻEconomy of the Common Goodʼ (ECG), which provides a tangible alternative to the worldʼs leading economic system.

He is the founder of the global justice movement ATTAC in Austria and promoter of the so-called ʻdemocratic bankʼ. In 2010, the magazine Lifestyle, together with the Public Relations Association of Austria, nominated Felber as the best communicator of the year in the annual conference of representatives of sustainable economy.

Genesis of the Economy of the Common Good

The Economy of the Common Good limits private property and is based on the basic principles of justice, trust, honesty, responsibility, cooperation, solidarity, generosity and sympathy. The Economy of the Common Good as a university, social and economic movement, has spread in more than fifteen countries and 980 companies, 67 politicians, 173 organizations, towns and universities, and 3,348 people have declared their support. Nowadays, it is also a political movement that pressures governments to get its principles translated into laws.

Symposium at the UB

Besides Felber, other personalities who will also participate in the symposium: Sara Berbel, responsible for Social Economy of the Barcelona City Council, Doctor of Social Psychology from the UB, lecturer at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and expert on movements for social change; Mercè Carreras, professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the UB and coordinator of the ECG at the UB; José Manuel Parra, professor at the Faculty of Physics of the UB, member of the Committee for teaching and researching staff and member of the ECG at the UB; Andrés Millán, student of History at the UB, representative of students at the Faculty of Geography and History, and member of the team of the Commissioner for Participation, Employability and Social Entrepreneurship of the UB; Ramon Morata, consultant, graduate in Economics from the Open University of Catalonia, postgraduate in Marketing Management, Finance Management and Production Management (EADA) and general coordinator of the ECG in Barcelona, and Virgínia Ferrer, commissioner for Participation, Employability and Social Entrepreneurship of the UB, Doctor in Education Sciences, professor at the Department of Didactics and Educational Organization of the UB, and member of the ECG at the UB.

The symposium is organised by the Commissioner for Participation, Employability and Social Entrepreneurship of the UB together with the Barcelona City Council. Lectures and speeches will be given in Spanish and it is necessary to confirm attendant by sending a message to the e-mail address cm-poes@ub.edu.


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Historic Building, Paranymph Hall
Organized by:
Commissioner for Participation, Employability and Social Entrepreneurship of the UB supported by the Barcelona City Council