Roudntable: “La creació en acció! Lʼart ens dona veu?”

Roudntable: “La creació en acció! Lʼart ens dona veu?”
18/01/19 | 19:00

This activity is part of the exhibition "Anar i tornar a Brossa", which gathers a series of Patrim works, the heritage fund of the Fine Arts Collection of the UB, gathered here on the occasion of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the poet Joan Brossa.

Chaired by Mar Redondo -one of the exhibition's commissioners-, the roundtable provides a dialogue between works from different ages and generations, which shows the validity of Brossa's work. Participants are Glòria Bordons, professor of the Faculty of Education of the UB expert in Joan Brossa; photographer Amanda Bernal, and the artist Joan Puche.

The exhibition "Anar i tornar a Brossa" will be open in the El Carme Cultural Centre Badalona until February 3. Also, there will be guided tours every Sunday at 12 noon. Entrance is free.


Further information

Link to the UB article

El Carme Cultural Center Badalona, room Josep Uclés
Organized by:
Department of Visual Arts and Design of the UB