The UB and the UPC present the main achievements of the project BKC and its future challenges

Representatives of the Spanish ministries of Education and Economy involved in the management of the programme Campus of International Excellence visited the facilities located on the South and North campuses.
Representatives of the Spanish ministries of Education and Economy involved in the management of the programme Campus of International Excellence visited the facilities located on the South and North campuses.

On 19 February, at 6 p.m., the campus of international excellence Barcelona Knowledge Campus (BKC), an initiative of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), presented the main achievements of the project and its future challenges on the North Campus of the UPC, in Barcelona.

Representatives of the Spanish ministries of Education and Economy involved in the management of the programme Campus of International Excellence visited the facilities located on the South and North campuses.
Representatives of the Spanish ministries of Education and Economy involved in the management of the programme Campus of International Excellence visited the facilities located on the South and North campuses.

On 19 February, at 6 p.m., the campus of international excellence Barcelona Knowledge Campus (BKC), an initiative of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), presented the main achievements of the project and its future challenges on the North Campus of the UPC, in Barcelona.

The tribute took place in the auditorium of the Vèrtex Building on the North Campus. The personalities who participated in the event were: the major of Barcelona, Xavier Trias, the secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation in the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Carmen Vela; the general secretary for Universities and Research of the Government of Catalonia, Antoni Castellà; the director general of University Policy in the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Jorge Sainz; the president of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Emilio Lora-Tamayo; the managing director of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Xavier Carbonell; the rector of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Enric Fossas, and the rector of the University of Barcelona, Dídac Ramírez, together with Professor Francesc Solé Parellada, who briefly described the development and evolution of the CEI-BKC project.

Moreover, recognition was made to all the people involved in the development of the CEI-BKC.

Previously, representatives of the Spanish ministries of Education and Economy involved in the management of the programme Campus of International Excellence visited the facilities located on the South and North campuses; they were able to observe some of the actions carried out at both universities during the years in which the strategic plan of the BKC was developed.

The BKC is a project promoted by the UB and the UPC, with the participation of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Barcelona City Council and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. It is mainly composed by schools and research institutes located around the area of Zona Universitària, in Barcelona. In addition, the BKC also includes some schools and faculties located on the campus of Baix Llobregat, in Castelldefels, and on the campus located at the Plaça de la Universitat, in Barcelona. Therefore, the BKC is one of the most powerful teaching, research and innovation centres in the south of Europe.

With 18 schools, around 20 research institutes and more than 15 libraries and research resources centres, the BKC gathers 4,000 lecturers and researchers, 2,250 members of the service and administrative staff, more than 30,000 bachelor's degree students, 4,000 masterʼs degree students and 5,000 PhD students. The BKC offers around 60 bachelorʼs degrees, 135 masterʼs degree and 70 doctoral programmes, 16 Erasmus Mundus master's programs and 8 Erasmus Mundus joint doctoral programmes. Moreover, the BKC coordinates 24 industrial doctoral programmes in health and biomedicine, mathematics and physics, sciences and chemical technology, biology, information and communication technologies and architecture.


Genesis of the project

The BKC project emerged in 2008 when both universities created the Gateway to Knowledge. The initiative was supported by the Barcelona City Council to promote the urbanization of the South Diagonal  Campus and to build and renovate the facilities of both universities in order to establish a new area of research, knowledge and innovation in the city.

In 2009, the BKC achieved the highest rating in the programme International Campus of Excellence implemented by the Spanish Ministry of Education. During the past five years it has developed its strategic plan in areas such as improving teaching and scientific work, internationalisation, knowledge transfer, and transformation of the area shared by the participating organisations. To carry this out, it has received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Economy (formerly the Ministry of Science and Technology).


Five years of activity

In the educational sphere it has strengthened UB and UPC alliances with foreign universities in order to offer double degrees and has increased both institutions participation in international programmes like Erasmus Mundus. It has set up the BKCnet network, with major branches in China and Brazil and a secondary branch in Florida, USA. The Sino-Spanish Campus created at Tongji University (SSC@TU) is the first Spanish university branch in China. The BKC opened an office there to promote teacher and student exchange and participation in research projects.

In the scientific sphere, the BKC has increased its participation in projects of excellence through several European R&D programmes. Initiatives have been launched in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship, nanoscience and nanotechnology, space science and technology, geological storage, materials physics and chemistry, the food industry, mathematics, and biotechnology and bioinformatics. Research facilities such as the wave flume of the Maritime Engineering Laboratory (LIM) have been rehabilitated, and the ChemBioBank Laboratory of the UB has been created.

Efforts have also focused on improving the accessibility of the campuses, the participation of teaching staff in activities to foster the integration of students with disabilities and long-term illnesses, and the organisation of inclusive campuses aimed at secondary school gifted students. Sustainability has been reinforced through the monitoring of water and energy consumption in buildings thanks to the SIRENA information system, and a new way of storing laboratory waste has been created at the Faculty of Biology of the UB.

The BKC has managed the adaptation of spaces and classrooms on the Campus to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area. It has also cooperated with secondary education and vocational training and implemented teaching innovation projects.

Regarding knowledge and technology transfer, both universities have implemented a technology innovation centre (CIT-CITA) that serves as a meeting point between research groups and companies. Furthermore, new business incubation centres have been created in order to develop collaborative projects with the industry, for example the building K2M of the UPC, and the two editions of the Networking & Innovation Day. In addition, both institutions have increased their presence in fairs and international activities.

The BKC has also emphasised the promotion of interaction with the local area. Some areas have been improved, including the ETSEIB's Plaça de l'Enginy, and measures have been taken to encourage pedestrianisation, cycling and vehicle sharing on the Campus.


Future challenges

The BKC is now designing a new strategic plan, in which efforts will focus on the international sphere, permeability with local citizens and the Campus's role as an engine of economic initiative.

In the coming years the BKC plans to boost international alliances in education and research, open up spaces that may be attractive to local citizens, and turn the Campus into a laboratory for implementing technological advances.

The aim is to continue to participate in joint projects with companies and in knowledge-based initiatives that promote job creation. Other aims of the BKC are to foster careers in science and technology among young people, to continue the removal of architectural barriers, and to improve information accessibility. Meeting all these challenges will improve the university's international position.