Antoni Segura, President of the Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB)

Antoni Segura.
Antoni Segura.

Antoni Segura, professor of Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona, has been appointed President of Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB), a think tank dedicated to the study, research and analysis of international affairs.

Antoni Segura.
Antoni Segura.

Antoni Segura, professor of Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona, has been appointed President of Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB), a think tank dedicated to the study, research and analysis of international affairs.

Antoni Segura has been the director of the Center for International Historical Studies (CEHI) of the University of Barcelona until September 2016. Specialized in the analysis of conflict and current world, Segura is author and editor of several books and research articles such as Más allá del islam (Beyond the Islam, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 2001); Aproximació al món islàmic. Des dels orígens fins als nostres dies (Edicions UOC-Pòrtic, Barcelona, 2002); Irak en la encrucijada (RBA, Madrid, 2003); Senyors i vassalls del segle XXI (La Campana, 2009); Euskadi. Crònica dʼuna desesperança (Publications and Editions of the UB, 2009) and Hablemos de reconciliación (Publications and Editions of the UB, 2013). Among his research articles there are many works dedicated to the evolution of armed conflicts over the 20th century, the development of new social and political movements in Spain, the Arab Spring, Islamic State, the refugeeʼs crisis and islamophobia. Segura is member of The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), member of the Advisory Council of Casa Árabe - International Institute of Arab and Muslim World Studies and member of the Governing Board of the InternationalCatalan Institute for Peace.

Created in 1973 as the International Information and Documentation Center of Barcelona, and turned into a private foundation in 1979, CIDOB is now an independent and plural think tank working to create and provide all political figures -from citizenship to international organizations- with information and ideas to create and promote policies to reach a safer, free and fairer world for the people.