Language revitalization: different cases from around the world

 Language revitalization
Language revitalization

On February 23, the conference series Language revitalization will start at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Barcelona. These eight conferences, given by international experts, will be offered throughout the year. These will present situations and proposals on language revitalization in different contexts from around the world.

 Language revitalization
Language revitalization

On February 23, the conference series Language revitalization will start at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Barcelona. These eight conferences, given by international experts, will be offered throughout the year. These will present situations and proposals on language revitalization in different contexts from around the world.

The first of this conferences will be carried out by Keren Rice, Canadian linguist and lecturer at the University of Toronto, who will give “What is language reclamation in Canada about?”. Rice will talk about the Canadian language context, and in particular, on the coexistence of English, French and aboriginal languages. The activity will take place at 11.30 a.m. in the room Joan Maragall, at the Faculty of Philology, in the Historical Building.

Over the upcoming months, experts such as Joseph Lo Bianco, from the University of Melbourne; Lindsay Whaley, from Darthmouth College; William Folley, from the University of Sydney, and Lawrence Reid, from the University of Hawai among others, will treat language revitalization from several fields such as the critical collaboration for revitalization between different areas, the language perspective in a globalized world or the dangers some languages face in areas such as the Indian Pacific and Philippines.

The conference series has been organized by the Grup dʼEstudi de Llengües Amenaçades (study group on threatened languages, GELA) of the University of Barcelona, the Research Group on Education, Language and Literature (GRELL) of the University of Vic, the University of Indiana and Aurèlia Figueras Foundation.

Attendance is free and previous registration is not required.