The Bioethics collection of Editions and Publications of the UB gets the Seal of Quality in Academic Editions

This is the second seal of quality Editions and Publications of the UB receives, after getting one last year for the collection Instrumenta, led by Professor José Remesal.
This is the second seal of quality Editions and Publications of the UB receives, after getting one last year for the collection Instrumenta, led by Professor José Remesal.

The Bioethics collection, led by María Casado, professor at the Faculty of Law and dedicated to promote a flexible, multidisciplinary and lay idea of this field of study, obtained the Seal of Quality in Academic Editions (CEA-APQ), given by the National Agency of Assessment on Quality and Accreditation (ANECA) and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).

This is the second seal of quality Editions and Publications of the UB receives, after getting one last year for the collection Instrumenta, led by Professor José Remesal.
This is the second seal of quality Editions and Publications of the UB receives, after getting one last year for the collection Instrumenta, led by Professor José Remesal.

The Bioethics collection, led by María Casado, professor at the Faculty of Law and dedicated to promote a flexible, multidisciplinary and lay idea of this field of study, obtained the Seal of Quality in Academic Editions (CEA-APQ), given by the National Agency of Assessment on Quality and Accreditation (ANECA) and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT).

On September 18, the headquarters of ANECA held the ceremony for the Seals of Quality in Academic Edition. The activity was presided by José ARnáez Vadillo, director of ANECA; Paloma Domingo, director of FECYT; Ana Isabel González, president of UNE, and Lluís Pastor, head of Institutional Relations at UNE. UB attendants were the vice-rector for Teaching and Academic Planning, Amelia Díaz; the director of the awarded collection, María Casado, and the director of Editions and Publications of the UB, Meritxell Anton.

The Bioethics collection of the Bioethics and Law Observatory of the University of Barcelona promotes the idea of a flexible, multidisplinary and lay bioethics, within the frame of human rights, and it promotes the debate on “ethic questions related to medicine, life sciences and connected technologies applied to human beings, considering social, legal and environmental dimensions”. It has been recently added to DOAB, the most important open access book directory, which gathers more than 13,000 volumes by 292 editors.


The Spanish University Editing Association (UNE) set the Seal of Quality in Academic Editions in 2015, together with ANECA and FECYT, aiming to distinguish the scientific excellence in the editing process for collections that are published by universities and private scientific editorials. This is the second seal of quality given to Editions and Publications of the UB, after receiving one last year for the collection Instrumenta, led by Professor José Remesal.

The Bioethics collection, edited by Editions and Publications of the UB since 2012, includes monographs, collective works, and Documents and Declarations translated to different languages, from the Opinion Group of the Bioetics and Law Observatory - UNESCO Chair of the University of Barcelona which, through constant dialogue between university and society, aims to point up in the legislative and political power to promote normative changes and create opinion in scientific societies, the media and citizens.

With an editorial council formed by Sarah Chan (University of Edinburgh), Itziar de Lecuona (University of Barcelona), Florencia Luna (University of Buenos Aires), Albert Royes i Qui (University of Barcelona), Rodolfo Vázquez (Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico), the Bioethics collection aims to become a role model to promote debate on questions on bioethics that are considered classical, such as the start and the end of life or doctor-patient relations, as well as innovating ones, resulting from the impact of scientific knowledge and its applications on human beings, society and the environment. Also, it wants to create critical thinking, add multicultural focuses, and project research on bioethics related to human rights.

Recent published titles are: La relación médico-paciente, by Joaquín Martínez Montauti; De la solidaridad al mercado. El cuerpo humano y el comercio biotecnológico, by María Casado (coord.); El origen de la bioética como problema, by Manuel Jesús López Baroni; Morir en libertad, by Albert Royes (coord.); Desapariciones forzadas de niños en Europa y Latinoamérica. Del convenio de la ONU a las búsquedas a través del ADN, by María Casado and Juan José López Ortega (coord.); La Declaración Universal sobre Bioética y Derechos Humanos de la Unesco y la discapacidad, by María Casado and Antoni Vilà; Document sobre bioètica i discapacitat, by María Casado and Antoni Vilà (coord.); ADN forense: problemas éticos y jurídicos, by María Casado and Margarita Guillén (coord.); Gestación por sustitución. Ni maternidad subrogada ni alquiler de vientres, by Eleonora Lamm, and La confidencialitat en lʼassistència sanitària. Del secret mèdic a la història clínica compartida a Catalunya, by Lídia Buisan.

María Casado teaches at the Faculty of Law of the UB and is the director of the OBD of the University of Barcelona, since it was found in 1995. In 2007 she received the title of the UNESCO Chair on Bioethics of the UB. She has been member of the Spanish Bioethics Committee, the Bioethics Commission of the University of Barcelona and the Bioethics Committee of Catalonia, as well as the International Association of Bioethics (IAB). In 2006 she received the Medal Narcís Monturiol of the Generalitat de Catalunya for her contribution to the scientific and technological progress, and in 2017 the distinction to the defence and promotion of human rights given by the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico. Her main research line is the relation between bioethics and law, especially on human rights, and the debate and analysis of the difficult cases that biotechnology advances bring to society as a challenge due their ethical, juridical and social implications. Apart from the works she published in the collection, others are Nuevos materiales de bioética y derecho (Mexico, 2007); Las leyes de la bioética (Barcelona, 2004); El Alzheimer: problemas éticos y jurídicos (Valencia, 2002) and Estudios de bioética y derecho (Valencia, 2000).