Award from the Catalan Nutrition Center of the Institute for Catalan studies to researcher Ana Ceicilia Ho Palmaʼs doctoral thesis

The researcher Ana Cecilia Ho Palma has been awarded the CCNIEC-Fundació Eroski Prize.
The researcher Ana Cecilia Ho Palma has been awarded the CCNIEC-Fundació Eroski Prize.

The researcher Ana Cecilia Ho Palma, member of the Research Group Nitrogen-Obesity of the UB, has been awarded the CCNIEC-Fundació Eroski Prize in the new award edition given by the Catalan Nutrition Center of the Institute for Catalan Studies (CCNIEC). The award ceremony took place on December 11 at the headquarters of this institution. The CCNIEC-Fundació Eroski Prize -an award to the scientific quality of doctoral thesis related to the field of nutrition and food- distinguishes this researcherʼs doctoral thesis, titled Respuesta innata de los adipocitos en el metabolismo de los fragmentos de 3C en el tejido adiposo blanco e influecnia de la insulina, read at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences of the UB in 2018.

The researcher Ana Cecilia Ho Palma has been awarded the CCNIEC-Fundació Eroski Prize.
The researcher Ana Cecilia Ho Palma has been awarded the CCNIEC-Fundació Eroski Prize.

The researcher Ana Cecilia Ho Palma, member of the Research Group Nitrogen-Obesity of the UB, has been awarded the CCNIEC-Fundació Eroski Prize in the new award edition given by the Catalan Nutrition Center of the Institute for Catalan Studies (CCNIEC). The award ceremony took place on December 11 at the headquarters of this institution. The CCNIEC-Fundació Eroski Prize -an award to the scientific quality of doctoral thesis related to the field of nutrition and food- distinguishes this researcherʼs doctoral thesis, titled Respuesta innata de los adipocitos en el metabolismo de los fragmentos de 3C en el tejido adiposo blanco e influecnia de la insulina, read at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences of the UB in 2018.

The awarded thesis -a research study on the energy metabolism of cells in the adipose tissue- has been supervised by the lecturer José Antonio Fernández and Professor Xavier Remesar, from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biomedicine, affiliated at the Faculty of Biology of the UB. The doctoral work by the researcher Ana Cecilia Ho Palma has been conducted within the Research Group Nitrogen-Obesity, led by Professor Xavier Remesar, member of the Institute of Biomedicine (IBUB) of the UB.

The CCIEC entity was created in 1999 to contribute to the advance of basic and applied research on nutrition and the improvement of quality of information and nutritional training of society. The new edition of the awards has also distinguished Professor Andreu Palou, director of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Nutrition and Biotechnology of the University of the Balearic Islands (8th Ramon Turró Prize); the company group Ametller Origen (8th CCNIEC Prize to the best initiative in the improvement of nutrition or food education), the company Borges Agricultural & Industrial Edible Oil (6th CCNIEC Marc Viader Prize in innovation of food products) and the researchers Felipe Villalobos and Nerea Becerra, from the University Rovira i Virgili (CCNIEC-DANONE Prize).