Quantum beyond science

Lʼexposició «Quàntica» es pot veure al Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona fins al 24 de setembre.
Lʼexposició «Quàntica» es pot veure al Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona fins al 24 de setembre.

Quantum contradicts our human experience, which presents philosophical doubts on our perception of reality. The exhibition “Quàntica”, in which UB researchers have taken part and which will be available in the Barcelona Contemporary Culture Centre (CCCB), presents new doubts and connections that contribute to the understanding of an apparently invisible reality and its impact on our lives.

Lʼexposició «Quàntica» es pot veure al Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona fins al 24 de setembre.
Lʼexposició «Quàntica» es pot veure al Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona fins al 24 de setembre.

Quantum contradicts our human experience, which presents philosophical doubts on our perception of reality. The exhibition “Quàntica”, in which UB researchers have taken part and which will be available in the Barcelona Contemporary Culture Centre (CCCB), presents new doubts and connections that contribute to the understanding of an apparently invisible reality and its impact on our lives.

The exhibition will be available until September 24, it joins two itineraries that are interlaced in a same hybrid space to describe one of the most outstanding paradigms of the last century, quantum science.

The scientific itinerary, led by the professor of theoretical physics and member of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the UB (ICCUB), José Ignacio Latorre, presents nine knowledge windows that make you wonder on the quantum fundamental principles and their philosophical consequences and their technological applications. Some of these make you wonder how to describe nature, whether two options can overlap, whether fate exists, etc. The researchers -among them the UB PhD student Alba Cervera- also talk about quantum sciences.

In this itinerary, visitors can see simulations designed by students of the Faculty, advised by the lecturers and members of the ICCUB, Bruno Julià-Díaz and Montserrat Guilleumas, on the quantum states and the double-slit experiment which explains the waving behaviour of matter. These simulations are part of the dissemination project Simulacions de mecànica quàntica.

Another experiment to see in the exhibition is the one ceded by the Faculty, which allows visitors to see the spectrum of Helium, an experiment that allowed quantifying the levels of energy of the atom and was the origin of the term quantum. Also, the Department of Applied Physics designed a double-slit experiment with laser light.

The artistic exhibition is built by ten projects showing the impact of quantum science goes beyond science itself. These projects result from the program Arts at CERN in collaboration with FACT Liverpool, an exchange between physicists and engineers and a group of artists that stayed at CERN.

Apart from this exhibition, there will be lectures, debates, talks -many of these cross-sectional regarding philosophy, economics, industry and technology.