Sari Hanafi, president of the International Sociological Association, takes part in the inauguration of the UB School of Sociology

A moment during Sari Hanafi's conference.
A moment during Sari Hanafi's conference.

Today the presentation of the UB School of Sociology took place. The School is a center to gather research and training of postgraduate and doctoral degrees, its aim is to reach an international academic environment to promote intellectual and scientific debate. During the event, Sari Hanafi, president of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and lecturer of Sociology at the American University of Beirut, gave the conference “Migration and refugees in a globalised world: the case of the Mediterranean countries?”.

A moment during Sari Hanafi's conference.
A moment during Sari Hanafi's conference.

Today the presentation of the UB School of Sociology took place. The School is a center to gather research and training of postgraduate and doctoral degrees, its aim is to reach an international academic environment to promote intellectual and scientific debate. During the event, Sari Hanafi, president of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and lecturer of Sociology at the American University of Beirut, gave the conference “Migration and refugees in a globalised world: the case of the Mediterranean countries?”.

Sari Hanafi holds a doctorate in Sociology from the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences of Paris. Syrian-Palestinian, Hanafi is the author of many scientific articles and book chapters on political and economic sociology of Palestinian diaspora and refugees, sociology of religion, sociology of migration, politics of scientific research, civil society, elite formation and transitional justice.

The research of UB School of Sociology is organized around five big areas: Inequality; Welfare, life quality and social policies; Social organizations; Society, community and environment, and Culture, knowledge and innovation. The nine research groups that build up the center are: Analysis of Inequalities and New Social Risks (AINSR); the Center for the Studies on Culture, Politics and Society (CECUPS); Welfare, Community and Social Control (Copolis); Creativity, Innovation and Urban Transformation (CRIT); Studies on Power and Privilege (EPP); Economic and Social Ethics and Epistemology of Social Sciences (GREECS); Social Applied Research: Life Quality, Safety and Citizenship (GRISA); Territory, Population and Citizenship; Sociological Theory and Impact of Social Research. The UB School of Sociology offers the Graduate Programme in Sociology, aimed at students who want to continue with research in the international field, and the masterʼs degree in Sociology: Social Transformation and Innovation, aimed at graduates from different degrees, apart from Sociology, which offers many professional paths and gives a proper base for the doctoral studies. Regarding the doctoral program, its basic objectives are about preparing the academicians, researchers and elite professionals to lead institutional transformations and propose social innovations.

The Faculty of Economics and Business of the UB has also launched the UB School of Economics and the UB Business School, in the fields of economics and business respectively.