Ecotrophelia Europa awards ʻMr. Pinxʼ, created by students of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences

The students of the master’s degree in Food Research, Development and Innovation of the UB have been awarded with the second prize in the competition Ecotrophelia Europe 2019.
The students of the master’s degree in Food Research, Development and Innovation of the UB have been awarded with the second prize in the competition Ecotrophelia Europe 2019.

The new food product Mr. Pinx -eatable crispy sticks to stab/pick food-  created by a group of students from the masterʼs degree in Food Research, Development and Innovation of the UB, won the second prize to food innovation in the contest Ecotrophelia Europa, which took place this October in Koln (Germany) as part of the Anuga  Fair.


Ecotrophelia is aimed at students of bachelor and masterʼs degrees, and awards the most innovative food products that reflect models of sustainable production in the sector of the food and beverage industry.

The students of the master’s degree in Food Research, Development and Innovation of the UB have been awarded with the second prize in the competition Ecotrophelia Europe 2019.
The students of the master’s degree in Food Research, Development and Innovation of the UB have been awarded with the second prize in the competition Ecotrophelia Europe 2019.

The new food product Mr. Pinx -eatable crispy sticks to stab/pick food-  created by a group of students from the masterʼs degree in Food Research, Development and Innovation of the UB, won the second prize to food innovation in the contest Ecotrophelia Europa, which took place this October in Koln (Germany) as part of the Anuga  Fair.


Ecotrophelia is aimed at students of bachelor and masterʼs degrees, and awards the most innovative food products that reflect models of sustainable production in the sector of the food and beverage industry.


Mr. Pinx és un innovador producte nutritiu que reinventa el concepte habitual dels típics bastonets —emprats per punxar les tapes en bars i restaurants— i els fa també comestibles. Aquest producte, elaborat amb farina de blat de moro, ha estat desenvolupat per les estudiants de la UB Kizkitza Castander, Julia Pablo Torres, Andrea Maldonado i Anabel Práxedes, sota la tutoria de Cristina Andrés Lacueva, professora de la Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de lʼAlimentació de la UB, member of the Fragility and Healthy Ageing CIBER (CIBERFES) i coordinadora del màster, i el professor Ramon Rovira, de la mateixa Facultat.


Mr. Pinx va guanyar lʼedició del premi Ecotrophelia Espanya 2019, un concurs organitzat el maig passat per la Federació Espanyola dʼIndústries de lʼAlimentació i Begudes (FIAB) —amb el suport del Ministeri dʼAgricultura, Pesca i Alimentació (MAPA) i la Fundació Alícia— per distingir productes alimentaris innovadors amb un destacat component ecològic.


El concurs Ecotrophelia Europa 2019 ha atorgat el primer premi al producte oRIZginal (França), unes postres elaborades a partir de productes dʼorigen vegetal, mentre que el tercer premi ha distingit el producte TempSta (Alemanya), uns bescuits elaborats amb pèsols fermentats amb fongs. El jurat també ha premiat la tasca de comunicació del projecte eslovè Kefya, una varietat de quefir amb vegetals cruixents.