La Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació ha inaugurat el pati Montserrat Roig

The Faculty honors the figure of the writer and journalist from Barcelona.
The Faculty honors the figure of the writer and journalist from Barcelona.

The Faculty of Philology and Communication inaugurated the Montserrat Roig Courtyard in a ceremony that joins the campaign of the Vice-rectorʼs Office for Equal Opportunities and Social Action to give visibility to women in the University of Barcelona. With this action -frammed within the activity program for International Womenʼs Day-, the Faculty honors the figure of the writer and journalist from Barcelona (1946-1991), who combined communication, literary creation and teaching, and who always prioritized the main university values such as womenʼs rights and commitment to freedom.

The Faculty honors the figure of the writer and journalist from Barcelona.
The Faculty honors the figure of the writer and journalist from Barcelona.

The Faculty of Philology and Communication inaugurated the Montserrat Roig Courtyard in a ceremony that joins the campaign of the Vice-rectorʼs Office for Equal Opportunities and Social Action to give visibility to women in the University of Barcelona. With this action -frammed within the activity program for International Womenʼs Day-, the Faculty honors the figure of the writer and journalist from Barcelona (1946-1991), who combined communication, literary creation and teaching, and who always prioritized the main university values such as womenʼs rights and commitment to freedom.

 An activity program to commemorate March 8

The ceremony unveiled a plaque with this name and a quote by the writer: “Reading, like writing, is a solo game. But you donʼt die that much if you know how to read”. The rector of the University, Joan Elias, stated that “Montserrat Roig marked a turning point in the Catalan culture, in times that are changing, problematic and hard”, and highlighted the UB wants to honor this figure because “despite the obstacles of her time- woman, Catalan post-war born daughter-, she stood up for freedom and womenʼs rights”.

The Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Communication, Javier Velaza, put emphasis on the fact that Roig “represents the values of the Faculty”, and said that the engraved quote “highlights two things that human beings do on their own: writing and reading”. Then, the vice-rector for Equal Opportunities and Social Action, Maite Vilalta, noted that the importance of the human heritage of the UB should be highlighted, and that “Montserrat Roig shares with the other women that named the UB spaces the fact that she was strong, brave and free”. Other attendees in the event were the editor Pau Vinyes Roig, Roigʼs nephew.

After this ceremony, other activities related to the writer and journalist took place as well, as part of the commemoration of the International Womenʼs Day. At 11 a.m., Betsabé Garcia, biographer of Montserrat Roig, gave the conference “Històries de la Facultat: Montserrat Roig i el Sindicat Democràtic dʼEstudiants de la UB”. At 1 noon, the Aula Capella was the scene for the theatre play Dona de foc, la dona que es crema, by the company Les Fugitives.

Coinciding with these activities, the room Piferrer in the Central Section of the Philology Library organized an exhibition titled “Montserrat Roig: chronicler of a time and a country”, which will be available until March 18.