The UB improves positions in the Center for World University Rankings


The University of Barcelona is listed in the first position in Spain in the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR). In particular, it is listed in the 131st position worldwide and it has improved two positions compared to last year.


The University of Barcelona is listed in the first position in Spain in the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR). In particular, it is listed in the 131st position worldwide and it has improved two positions compared to last year.

This ranking, which analyzes about 20,000 universities, uses indicators related to teaching and research, which revolve around four basic aspects: teaching quality, measured by the number of former students who won international awards; former studentsʼ employability, that is, the number of former students who hold top executive positions at the worldʼs largest companies; the quality of the Faculty, measured by the number of faculty members who have won major academic distinctions; and research performance, which measures the output and influence of research. The UB stands out in this latter indicator, in which it obtains the 65th position worldwide.

Spanish universities following the UB in the CWUR ranking are the Autonomous University of Barcelona (186th position), the Complutense University of Madrid (247), the Autonomous University of Madrid (282), and the University of Valencia (288). Internationally, the first positions of the ranking are held by Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxord.

The UB in THE Impact Rankings

The UB is listed among the top 100 universities worldwide in the ranking published by the journal Times Higher Education: THE Impact Rankings 2021, which aims to quantify the impacts of universities in fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The UB holds the 90th position worldwide and it improves one position compared to last yearʼs, when the ranking published its second edition.

The ranking gathers evidence brought by each university on the carried out actions regarding one out of the seventeen SDGs of the United Nations. The University of Barcelona holds a good position in the SDG on the Quality of teaching, which measures questions regarding the inclusive and equitable character and sustainability. In this SDG, it holds the 10th position among 966 universities and it obtains a scora of 83.2 out of 100. In the SDG Cities and sustainable communities, it holds the 23rd position among 656 analysed institutions, with a score of 85.1. The UB has provided data to be assessed in the impacts on Health and wellbeing (where it is listed in the 101-200 range) and Alliances for the fulfilment of SDGs (58th position among 1,154). To enter the global assessment of the ranking, the universities have to provide evidence to be assessed in at least four SDGs, one of them related to alliance formation.