Award ceremony for the 5th and 6th UB-Danone Chair Awards to the top bachelorʼs degree final projects on food and health

The rector Joan Guàrdia with the awarded students.
The rector Joan Guàrdia with the awarded students.

The Aula Magna of the Historical Building held on Tuesday, October 26, the award ceremony for the 5th and 6th UB-DANONE Chair Awards, which honor the top bachelorʼs degree final projects of the two last academic courses in the studies of Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Food Science and Technology.

The rector Joan Guàrdia with the awarded students.
The rector Joan Guàrdia with the awarded students.

The Aula Magna of the Historical Building held on Tuesday, October 26, the award ceremony for the 5th and 6th UB-DANONE Chair Awards, which honor the top bachelorʼs degree final projects of the two last academic courses in the studies of Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Food Science and Technology.

The ceremony, presided by the rector of the UB, Joan Guàrdia, counted on the participation of the director of the UB-DANONE Chair, M. Carmen Vidal, and the I&D director of Danone Iberia, Mariela Suárez.

Since 2015, the University of Barcelona and DANONE promote these awards to support and promote the activities on training and promotion on health and food among young students, within the framework of the UB-DANONE Chair.

The awarded projects in the 5th edition of the awards are Study of the relation between the duration of breastfeeding and the presence of breastfeeding support groups in Catalonia, by Mireia Cabrera under the supervision of the lecturer Andreu Farran-Codina, and Influencia de la variedad geográfica en las funciones inmunomoduladoras del cacao, by Mariano Nicola, under the supervision of the tenured university lecturer Francisco José Pérez-Cano.

The 6th edition of the prizes awarded the projects Estudi preclinic de la relació entre la ingesta dʼuna dieta rica en cacao i hesperidina sobre el rendiment, lʼexercici físic extenuant i la seva resposta immunitària, a project by the student Abril Gorgori under the supervision of the lecturer Francisco José Pérez-Cano; Influence of the ripening stage and crushing temperature on polyphenols content of extra virgin olive oil, presented by Núria Jiménez with Professor Rosa M. Lamuela as her tutor, and Mètodes analítics per a la determinació de micro i nanoplàstics en aliments, by the Student Marta Ribmblas, supervised by the lecturer Jesús Gómez.

Other participants in the award ceremony were Elena Mestre, vice-treasurer of the School of Dieticians and Nutritionists of Catalonia(CoDiNuCat), and Victòria Castells, head of the Planning, Audit and Assessment of Risks Service at the Department of Health of the Catalan Government.