Recognition of Qilimanjaro, a UB spin-off


The platform for innovation, technology and emerging businesses StartUs Insights has selected Qilimanjaro, a UB spin-off, as one of the 5 Top Quantum Computing Startups to Watch in 2022. The company has been selected out of 264 businesses worldwide, in a big data and artificial intelligence process. The other four emerging businesses that were selected in the top positions are from Finland, Canada, Australia and Israel.


The platform for innovation, technology and emerging businesses StartUs Insights has selected Qilimanjaro, a UB spin-off, as one of the 5 Top Quantum Computing Startups to Watch in 2022. The company has been selected out of 264 businesses worldwide, in a big data and artificial intelligence process. The other four emerging businesses that were selected in the top positions are from Finland, Canada, Australia and Israel.




Cal recordar que, a finals del 2021, Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech —spin-off de la UB, el Centre de Supercomputació de Barcelona i lʼInstitut de Física dʼAltes Energies— va aconseguir gairebé un milió dʼeuros gràcies a dos ajuts del Centre per al Desenvolupament Tecnològic Industrial: un del programa Misiones Ciencia e Innovación i lʼaltre del programa NEOTEC. A aquestes subvencions, hi va afegir la facturació, també dʼun milió dʼeuros, als seus primers clients. Així, al 2021 el creixement de Qilimanjaro va ser del 100 % respecte al 2020, el primer any dʼoperacions.

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