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Vulnerabilidad y violencia contra las niñas en la narrativa rumana poscomunista: Florina Ilis, Doina Ruști, Nora Iuga y Liliana Corobca

Defense of Doctoral Thesis
Thursday September 28, 2017 at 10h30
Sala d'Actes, Formació Contiuada, Universitat de Barcelona, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 582 - 08007 Barcelona

The doctoral candidate Adina Mocanu, who was a researcher in training at the Centre Dona i Literatura, will defend her doctoral thesis "Vulnerabilidad y violencia contra las niñas en la narrativa rumana poscomunista: Florina Ilis, Doina Ruști, Nora Iuga y Liliana Corobca", supervised by Helena González Fernández (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona) and Isabel Clúa (ADHUC-Universidad de Sevilla). The thesis aims to offer a reflection on vulnerability and violence in childhood, for girls, highlighting the conceptual complexity inherent to these situations during the post-communist period in Romania. Her author analyzes a selection of novels by the best-known Romanian women writers: Cruciada copiilor, 2005 (La cruzada de los niños, 2010), by Florina Ilis, Lizoanca la 11 ani, 2009, (Eliza a los once años, 2014), Hai să furăm pepeni, 2010 [Let's steal melons], by Nora Iuga and Kinderland, 2013, by Liliana Corobca.